Friday, May 21, 2010

Free kibbles


The reason aristocrats want to seize control of the internet is the internet works great. Commerce works great. Exchange of ideas of ideas works great. Can't have that.


This guy is still under the delusion that aristocrats want to work in the best interest of the people, not to advance their personal agendas.
"As chaos spreads around the world and the U.S. deficit deepens, the White House seems confused and Congress can't even pass a budget. Have we ever lived through a time of greater incompetence?"
The White House is neither confused nor incompetent. They are masterfully executing their agenda to destroy the US as we know it. President Obama told us over and over that was his agenda when he ran for office, and he's carrying it out, and the ignorance of Americans like this author is helping him. And congressional Democrats are smart not to pass a budget this year because it wouldn't be in their best interest to do so either. I wish I could shake every American out of their delusion that government has ever worked on their behalf (unless they're politically connected and part of the looting) so people could understand what is going on.

Unemployment increased from 9.7 percent to 9.9 percent in April, but naturally this article tries to spin this as good news by pointing out many states, including Ohio, has lower unemployment.
"Nationally, unemployment jumped to 9.9 percent in April, from 9.7 percent a month earlier, as jobseekers reentered the labor market in hopes of finding work as the economy improved. The jobless rate reached a 26-year high of 10.1 percent in October."
Let's all celebrate more unemployment.


Now we know where Bill Gates gets his stupidity from - his father.


Financial stocks higher after financial oppression bill passes. Of course. More protected from competition than ever, Wall Street firms are the big winners, so their stocks go up. The people are the big losers because of higher costs, less competition, more moral hazard and bigger crises to come.


Democrats don't care that two out of three Americans don't want Congress to deal with climate change.


Congress wants to expand the DNA database to include everybody, but right now it wants to add all people arrested.


Remember when Obama was going to withdraw all troops from Iraq in 16 months? This guy does.

The war is making you poor act.
"Next year's budget allocates $159,000,000,000 to perpetuate the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. That's enough money to eliminate federal income taxes for the first $35,000 of every American's income. Beyond that, leaves over $15 billion to cut the deficit.

And that's what this bill does. It eliminates separate funding for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, and eliminates federal income taxes for everyone's first $35,000 of income ($70,000 for couples). Plus it pays down the national debt.
The costs of the war have been rendered invisible. There's no draft. Instead, we take the most vulnerable elements of our population, and give them a choice between unemployment and missile fodder. Government deficits conceal the need to pay in cash for the war."
I love this.  The idea that these wars are still being paid for off the budget is nuts. Our debt, failing schools, minimum wage and welfare trap people in poverty and leave only one option for many teens - join the military.


This story of the little girl who told Michelle Obama her mom was an illegal immigrant is tough. I understand where Boortz is coming from with his analysis, but I have a different take. The best thing the government can do for this little girl is teach her to never trust the government, so ICE should investigate the mother and deport her if the little girl is right. In the long run, she'll be less oppressed in her home country than here too.

Arizona legislator to push legislation to take away birthright citizenship in Arizona. That's clearly unconstitutional because the Constitution grants Congress power over citizenship (but not controlling immigration).

Obama loves bending the American people over and sticking it to them. In this case, his ICE bureaucracy says it won't necessarily follow up on reports of illegal immigration from Arizona officials. A typical government bureaucrat would claim they plan to work hard and follow up every lead to get rid of illegal aliens then ignore them, but not Obama's boys.


Isn't it funny that people are accusing Mexico's government of meddling in American affairs as if our government never meddles in others?

Pat Buchanan urges President Obama to embrace the Iranian-Turkey uranium enrichment deal.
"Iran will deliver 1,200 kilograms, well over a ton, of its 2-ton stockpile of low-enriched uranium (LEU) to Turkey. In return, Iran will receive, in a year, 120 kilograms of fuel rods for its U.S.-built reactor that produces medical isotopes for treating cancer patients.
Not only did Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey and President Lula da Silva of Brazil put their prestige on the line by flying to Tehran, the deal they got is a near-exact replica of the deal Obama offered Iran eight months ago.
If Iran ships the LEU to Turkey, she would be left with only enough low-enriched uranium for one test explosion. And as that LEU is under U.N. surveillance, America would have a long lead time to act if Iran began to convert the LEU to weapons grade.
How is the Iranian program then an "existential threat" to anyone?"
I think Buchanan misses Obama's motives - Iran cut him out of the deal. He can't stand that it was done without him. This has transformed from a foreign policy issue to a personal issue for Obama. Obama will prove me right soon by saying, "It's not about me..."
"While the Brazilians and Turks have surely complicated Hillary's diplomacy, their motives are not necessarily sinister or malevolent.
Lula may be trying to one-up Obama and win a Nobel Prize as he leaves office. But what is wrong with that? Bill Clinton had a Nobel in mind when, in his final days, he went all-out for a Palestinian peace.
And Erdogan leads a country that cannot wish to see Iran acquire nuclear weapons. For Shia Iran shares a border with Sunni Turkey, and the two are rivals for influence in the Islamic world and Central Asia.
Moreover, an Iranian bomb would force Turkey to consider a Turkish bomb. Erdogan thus has every incentive to seek a resolution of this crisis, to keep Iran free of nuclear weapons, and avert a war between yet another neighbor and his NATO ally, the United States.
If Obama refuses to take the Iranian offer seriously, it would appear a sure sign that the War Party has taken him into camp and he is departing the negotiating track for the confrontation track that leads to war."


Boortz shows that Rand Paul better figure out how to answer questions better.

George Will on the Democrat who had to run against every Obama policy to win in Western Pennsylvania.

The satisfaction of Americans with the way things are going is at an all-polling-time low.

Democrats have changed their talking points from tea parties are Republican astroturf to tea parties hate Republicans. I think they're a lot closer to being right this time, and Republicans refuse to grasp it.

Five lessons from the primaries so far.

Good for Rand Paul for criticizing Obama's attacks on BP.


It's just amazing how this tremendous Nashville flood made almost no news.


The earth suffered heavy asteroid bombardment 35 million years ago? That's just last week compared to the age of the solar system. That's scary.

Another example of how government statistics make us appear wealthier than we are.
"The environmentalists feel they have a PR problem. Since their explicit agenda is to make us consume less, that is, to be poorer, they worry that this may not be popular. So they have a solution: the Green GNP.

GNP – gross national product – is already a deficient statistic. For example, as government spending grows, so does the GNP, even though government growth subtracts from real wealth. Nevertheless, as the statistical avatar of American business activity, the GNP has tremendous political significance.
To hide the fact that their legislation and regulation makes us poorer, the environmentalists want "environmental quality" incorporated into GNP. The Environmental Protection Agency and similar bureaucracies in Western Europe are funding research to make this possible.

The federal government already owns more than 40% of the United States. Say, under environmentalist pressure, another billion acres is taken out of production to save an endangered weed. Green accounting will claim that our environmental quality has been improved by x billion dollars, and add this to the GNP. Already, the GNP figures disguise how poor we're getting along, thanks to government intervention in the economy. A Green GNP will take us even further from reality."
This is designed to make a subsistence culture appear the most wealthy.
"(Note: if the spotted owl really is "endangered," and environmentalists want to save it, they should buy some land and set up an owl sanctuary. But using their own money somehow never occurs to them.)"
It never does occur to them, just like it never occurs to them to invest their own money in green energy projects and reap the consequences without trying to use the government's gun to take money from the rest of us by force to subsidize them.
"We've always known the Nazis were economic left-wingers (Nazi standing for National Socialist German Workers Party), but now – thanks to Robert N. Proctor's Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis (Harvard University Press, 1988) – we know they were health nuts, exercise freaks, ecologists, organic food zealots, animal righters, and alcohol and tobacco haters."
Boy does that sound familiar.
"Drinking was actively discouraged, and there were stiff penalties for anyone caught driving drunk, with the police – for the first time – empowered to give mandatory blood alcohol tests."
This list of Nazi policies is terrifyingly similar to what we suffer under today.
"If coffee – for whatever reason – becomes scarcer, its price goes up, which tells consumers to drink less. If more coffee comes on the market, its price goes down, telling consumers they can drink more. Prices thus constitute a system of resource conservation."
This gets back to what I was saying yesterday. Because free markets are the most effective mechanism known to man for allocating scare resources, free markets are the best system of conservation known to man.
"When anything is commonly owned – like air and water – we see all the bad effects of socialism. People abuse the resource because they do not have to bear the price.
To solve this problem, anyone who is personally harmed, or his business damaged, by air pollution ought to be able to sue to stop it, and receive damages. But the federal government intervened in this common-law process in the 19th century to favor special interests, making it impossible, to take a real example, for a farmer to sue a railroad whose spark emissions burned down his orchard.

The federal government also nationalized the coasts and waterways specifically to smooth the way for industrial special interests.

If, as is the case with many waterways in England and other countries, people had property rights in the streams and rivers running through their land, they could prevent pollution just as they prevent trash-dumping in their front yard. And if fishermen and homeowners held property rights in the coasts and adjacent waters, they could prevent pollution and properly allocate fishing rights."
The best way to save these resources is to restore ownership rights.
"An example of market conservation was the Cayman Turtle Farm in the British West Indies. The green sea turtle was considered endangered, thanks to over-harvesting due to common ownership. The Farm was able to hatch eggs and bring the hatchlings to maturity at a far higher rate than in nature. Its stock grew to 80,000 green turtles.
But the environmentalists hated the Cayman Turtle Farm, since in their view it is morally wrong to profit from wildlife. The Farm was driven out of business and the green turtle is again on the endangered species list."
I had never heard of this example.
"Amazingly, liberal economists have never developed a way to identify these so-called public goods, so-objective scientists that they are-they use intuition. Paul Samuelson's favorite example was the lighthouse, until Ronald Coase demonstrated that private entrepreneurs had provided lighthouses for centuries."
I never heard of this either. It could provide evidence to refute the so-called "free rider" problem which I believe is not a problem at all.

Scientist removed from expert panel on Gulf oil spill because of his non-politically correct views. Remember how I keep saying that politics poisons science?

High school freshman suspended for wearing rosary beads to school.

Government hires sex offender as census taker. But don't worry. They'll do a wonderful job running your health care.

City to demolish historic slave cabins because they don't meet city codes. If your historic site is not government approved, it gets bulldozed.

British woman fined for picking up the wrong dog mess.

Tornado defeats train.

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