Saturday, May 15, 2010

Free kibbles


Solar cycle 24, 18 months late to the party, finally began to ramp up in early 2010. Problem is, it just shut down again. This is not pretty. For all those man-made global warming true believers, the real climate driver is the sun. If you don't believe me, go outside the next sunny day at 2pm and spend an hour laying in the sun, then come it. Then at 2am go outside and spend an hour laying in the dark. Come back and report the difference. (For the intelligence impaired - don't try this at home. It's just a joke.)


Canadian fighter jets escort airliner with terrorist concerns to ground with no problems, and they spend about 5 percent of what we spend on their military and intelligence network.


Obamacare and Tarp votes cost incumbents.
"Bennett had turned squishy years ago. He had an undeserved reputation as a conservative. He backed the TARP bailout in 2008. Then he backed Obama's health insurance bill. That did it. "No mas!" The folks back home sent him a message: "You're out of here!"

Then, three days later, across the country, it happened again. Congressman Alan Mollohan of West Virginia, was smashed in the Democratic Party's primary, 56% to 44%. He had held that seat for 14 terms – almost 28 years. He had supported Obama's health care bill. He was one of the Stupak Seven. When Stupak folded, Mollohan folded. That ended his political career.

This is a bipartisan insurrection. It indicates that the voters have finally had enough. It may represent a turning point in American politics."
Let's hope so, but I'm still skeptical. Bennett's loss is a signal that Republicans aren't the happy recipients of anti-government anger that they hoped to be, and that's a good thing. It probably also means they won't win as many seats as they hoped in November. Hopefully they'll win enough to take control of the House and get the message that barely slowing the growth of government is not good enough. We want it reduced. A lot.
"The cover provided to local politicians by the mainstream media is worth less and less, because the mainstream media are dying."
This is a difference between left and right. The mainstream media and the left blogosphere are almost in lockstep. They have the same goals, and those goals are the same as Democrats. As I explained to a local Republican candidate last night, Democrats and Republicans have crucial difference. Democrats stand for something. They stand for creeping Marxism. All Democrats want to drag America down the path of Marxism until that's all that's left. /Some, like Obama, want to do it faster than others. The mainstream media and the left-blogosphere want the same thing. The main difference is the blogosphere can be honest about it, Democrats and the mainstream media can't because the backlash would kill that agenda, but they're in harmony on the vision.

Republicans don't stand for anything. All they aspire to is to be slightly less bad than Democrats. If Democrats propose a $3 trillion budget, Republicans propose a $2.9 trillion budget. If Democrats propose a $4 trillion budget, Republicans propose a $3.9 trillion budget. They never cut spending. If Democrats want a 40 percent income tax, Republicans want a 36 percent income tax. They never abolish the income tax. When Democrats propose Obamacare, Republicans counter with Obamacare-lite. They never get the government out of health care. Republicans stand for nothing. They try to obtain power by being slightly less bad than Democrats. That means they're going the same direction as Democrats, just slightly more slowly. That also means they get cover from the mainstream media too because the Democrat agenda becomes the defacto agenda for Republicans too. But the right-wing blogosphere is not in agreement. The internet is empowering right-wingers (and libertarians) to impact elections in a way we never could before.

Never let it be said that the mainstream media doesn't report the obvious:
"Primary clashes reflect voter unrest."
Just in case you thought they reflected voter satisfaction.

Remember when I made fun of the Russians for suggesting we should nuke the oil leak because the supposed solution would be much worse than the solution? Any guesses as to who else might consider such a violent, destructive act? I can't fool you, can I?

Koodoos for Steve Nash for pointing out Gregg Popovich is the best coach in the league. Imagine what Pop would have done with the teams Jackson had. I could have won nine championships with Jackson's teams.

Personal ties between Obama and Kagan. It's like Obama is trying to stick Kagan in Bush's eye because conservatives wouldn't let him nominate Dee Dee Myers. Obama is like George Bush on steroids.

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