Sunday, August 23, 2009

Free kibbles

Mitt Romney blames Obama for a failure of leadership creating the health care debacle. While that's certainly true, the more important aspect of this story is Mitt Romney's tacit support for further government intervention in our health care system.

Teddy Kennedy doesn't think the law should apply to him. He expects the Massachusetts legislature to change it on his behalf.
"The Boston Globe now notes Mr. Kennedy's current request "puts lawmakers in a delicate position." They "are nervous about being accused of engineering a self-serving change to help their party" just a few years after ramming through a similar self-serving change."
I'm surprised at their hesitation. Government exists to pass self-serving laws.

Isn't it stunning how, despite the overwhelming unpopularity of the programs of the Democrats, the Republicans aren't making any headway? Our government has degenerated into a situation where the party in power, whichever party it is, is so bad, that the party out of power just sits on the sidelines, attacks and waits for them to implode so they can take power and repeat the same destructive cycle. At least Newt Gingrich would be out there with a competing agenda.

Conservative leader proposes Senate Republicans threaten to shut down the Senate if the Democrats try to bypass the filibuster on health care. The Republicans should play hardball just like the Democrats.

Doctor doesn't like the accusations being made about doctors in the health care debate.

Remember that Obama is loaning billions of dollars to the Brazilian government owned oil company for off-shore drilling? We shouldn't be surprised that George Soros owns $2.6 billion of that company too. Talk about a payoff.

What's wrong with this headline: "DOJ Gives Oracle Approval to Buy Sun"?

Scientists build case that current sunspot activity is comparable to the Maunder Minimum. Yikes! The Maunder Minimum is significantly longer and colder than the Dalton Minimum. You can't help but wonder if these minimums are comparable to the way a spinning top sometimes tilts over then bounces back before it falls over completely. They might well be the harbingers of a new ice age. Hopefully it won't happen for another 1,000 years or more, but geologically speaking, we're due for an ice age, and we don't know exactly when. That's why I expect the global warming frauds to change their tune in the next year to three years and revert to pushing the propaganda that we are headed into a new ice age, even though we don't know that we are, we only know the planet is cooling like it naturally does all the time, and the only way to deal with the problem is to surrender all our wealth and power to some world-wide agency.

Still no sunspot activity for solar cycle 24. I wonder if I'll be writing the same thing 10 years from now.

Wattsupwiththat identifies problems with satellite readings of ocean temperature showing June 2009 to be a record high. There's several other articles pointing out problems as well.

Seven people arrested in organized crime carbon credit trading scam. It's the same old story. Government seizes new power and creates corruption. The only so-called solution considered is giving government even power which inevitably creates more corruption, and so on and so on and so on. We never learn.

Man puts up sign saying, "No colors allowed", pretty obviously intending it to mean gang colors. Needless to say, it wasn't taken that way by some. The sign owner deserves all the crap he catches for that. If you don't gangs in your bar, be a little more specific on your sign.

This sucks:
"U.S. Geological Survey scientists say they have detected mercury contamination in every fish sampled in 291 streams across the United States.
The USGS said about a quarter of the fish were found to contain mercury at levels exceeding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's criterion for the protection of people who consume average amounts of fish."
I like fish.

Even Tom Ridge and Dick Cheney are throwing Bush under the bus. How's that famous, blind loyalty working out for Bush?

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says Afghanistan is deteriorating. Over half of Americans think the war isn't worth fighting. Obama finds himself in a George Bush situation, supporting an unpopular war. Military requests more troops for Afghanistan. To fight a war we have no legal justification for.

So many things are wrong with this story and none of the important facts are reported: two year old stabs baby brother. What ever happened to investigative journalism? Maybe they'll do a thorough follow-up.

I don't have a problem with ISPs capping internet bandwidth. What's wrong with this? It's like a bartender cutting off a customer who drinks too much. As long as government isn't dictating this or censoring content, I don't see a problem. ISPs are free to have any business model they choose. If you don't like it, get a new ISP. If one isn't available, start a new ISP company.

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