Sunday, August 16, 2009

Free kibbles

Why in the world does Dayton force students to start school in the middle of August? Let kids be kids.

Obama backs off public option and endorses health co-ops, but health co-ops are just another name for the public option. This is an attempt to reach that four letter word - compromise.

Reason laughs at Democrats pretending to be victims of health care protesters when Democrats have all the power and are the ones avoiding debate.
"In one point, at least, Pelosi is correct: Many protesters are terrified of fact. Because the fact is every iteration of health care "reform" in Washington is intended to lead us to a single-payer system, which would not only wreck innovation and competition but also inject bean-counting bureaucrats into our health care decisions, from zygote to cremation."
That's a fact.

Reason explains why big business is all for health care oppression:
""What disturbs Americans of all ideological persuasions is the fear that almost everything, not just government, is fixed or manipulated by some powerful hidden hand," Frank Rich wrote in Sunday's New York Times.
That manipulation should disturb us. But contrary to Rich, it is not the work of "corporatists" who have sprung up to attack progressive reforms proposed by Obama and the Democratic majority. Manipulation is what we got many years ago when we traded a more or less free market for the "progressive" interventionist state. When government is big, the well-connected always have an advantage over the rest of us in influencing public policy."
Liberals can't seem to get that through their heads. Yeah, corporations stick it to us, but only because they have purchased our power from government aristocrats. The key reducing corporate power is to take our power back from government.

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