Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Free kibbles

OPEC record output cut.

Chrysler shuts down all US production for a minimum of 30 days, citing consumer credit problems. I can't help but think they're playing a game of chicken. Bush has already announced he will cave on a bailout, so the auto makers have everything to gain by putting big time pressure on Bush before his administration can develop a bunch of strings for the bailout. Babies are better stewards of candy than our government is of taxpayer's money.

Woman shoots man who came to rape her a second time. This article should be a celebration of the weak over evil, but instead, it carries the assumption that people who defend themselves from attackers are subject to being prosecuted by government. This article illustrates how sick our society has become.

These freaks can decorate their own cakes. Shame on Walmart for doing it for them.

In typical blue state fashion (I hate that Ohio has been on the road to blue, and finally reached it) New York Gov. Paterson unveils 88 new fees and taxes including an Ipod tax along with budget cuts. The worst part of blue state mismanagement is that it drives even liberals into red states and harms them too.

OMG, this guy trashes the election of Obama. He must be a racist. But wait, he's black. That's why he can say bluntly what many of us have gingerly pointed out.

President Bush says, you can't make this stuff up, "I've abandoned free market principles to save the free market system." Let's write that on the tombstone of his presidency. And I hope he spends the rest of his years hiding under that same rock. What a crock. Bush campaigned on and implemented incredible amounts of regulation on our economy. He was never a supporter of free markets. He was a saboteur of them, and a phenomenally successful one at that.

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