Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Free kibbles

I love this plan for using the rest of the bail out money to give Americans a 2 month tax holiday. Government will hate this idea because it would allow Americans to finally realize just how much money the government sucks from them every month. Americans would see how good their lives could be if not for the burden of government. It will also give the FairTax a big boost since the FairTax will allow Americans to keep all of the paychecks every month.

US warned India of terrorist attack from the sea a month before the terrorists struck. That doesn't look good for India's government. India demands Pakistan arrest and hand over 20 militants wanted in India and suspected of hiding out in Pakistan. The US is caught in a tough spot since we attack terrorists inside Pakistan, but we don't want India to do so.

Pirates fire on US cruise ship in Gulf of Aden.

Microsoft Windows market share drops below 90 percent for the first time since 1995.

NATO to resume talks with Russia since it pulled out of Georgia.

Texas Governor Rick Perry and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford speak out against the federal bailouts of the states. It's no coincidence that the biggest blue states, California and New York, are asking the federal government for budget bailouts, while the largest red state, Texas, is not. I bet if you compared the state debt of red states and blue states, you'd find red states much more fiscally responsible, with much lower budgets, than blue states.

I believe that Bush's biggest regret was the bad intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. It undermined his entire presidency almost as much as his policies did.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Democrats have put California in a fiscal crisis with out of control spending, and now they want to raise taxes. That's the aristocrats' way. Make the people pay for their bad government.

Britain considers removing fire extinguishers from apartments in the UK because they are fire hazards. You can't make this stuff up.

Company proposes to replace metal detectors with biometric scans.

Ford and GM sell restructuring plans to Congress in order to get some taxpayer cash. Needless to say, they include expensive, unproven, green cars that most Americans don't want. Thanks to these bailouts, government now has the power to coerce businesses all across America to do what government wants instead of what's good for business. This is going to be disastrous.

Well referenced article with figures and analysis by economic experts showing FDR's New Deal drove us deeper into depression, and Barack Obama's new New Deal will harm the economy too.

Thomas Sowell explains that the policies of the left tend to be anti-freedom. He specifically targets requirements for community service. He's being nice. Almost every liberal policy is anti-freedom.

Pat Buchanan compares the Mumbai terrorists to the killer of Ferdinand and the 9/11 terrorists and explains that if India attacks Pakistan, it will divide India even more than invading Iraq divided the US.

Russia and Venezuela end grandstanding naval exercize in the Carribean.

Reason says a bailout won't save the auto makers.

Republican Saxby Chambliss wins senate runoff in Georgia, denying Democrats 60 seats. Whew. Hopefully Al Frankin's bid to steal Minnesota's senate seat will fail too.

Chicago to cut back on plowing roads to save money. This is complete bull****. This how politicians make citizens pay for the politicians poor performance. Chicago has a hundred wasteful programs that are just used to buy votes from constituencies that could be cut first, but the politicians chose something that harms citizens and makes them mad so they can come back later and ask for more money. That's the inherent corruption of big government.

The New York Daily News "steals" the Empire State Building in 90 minutes in scheme to highlight how ineffective New York City's government is.

Thanks to Democrats undermining the Bush administration's attempts to credibly threaten to bomb Iran if it didn't stop developing a nuclear weapon, Iran is likely to develop a nuclear bomb in Obama's first year. Just great. Because of Democrats, we've almost certainly lost our chance to stop Iran from developing the bomb peacefully. Low oil prices does leave a small window of opportunity, though. But if there is no credible threat to bomb them before they develop the bomb, we'll face nuclear blackmail almost immediately afterward, and we'll lose a major world city to these maniacs in the next decade or 2.

Judge dismisses indictment against Cheney and Gonzales. This prosecutor sounds whacked.

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