Thursday, September 11, 2008

OPEC and free energy markets

Maybe we needed another reminder that OPEC is not our friend. OPEC agrees to cut production by $500,000 barrels a day. Because prices are falling. If Democrats won't allow us to drill everywhere we can after that, and to build nuclear, coal, natural gas, and every cost effective power plants we can, we should grab the torches and pitchforks and storm the castle.

Democrats threaten to shut down the government if Bush vetoes the bill extending the moratorium on offshore drilling. He better put his veto where his mouth is and stand up to these Democrats and veto that ban. Bush has the power to win this election for McCain, hands down. If he vetoes this bill, opens up the continental shelf to drilling, and Democrats shut down the government in opposition, McCain will win this election by 10 to 20 points. This is an easy decision, and why would the Democrats even consider committing political suicide like this? All that said, I bet Bush the Democrat, who's done everything possible to appease Democrats except lose the war in Iraq, will appease them once again and let the people continue to suffer.

Here's the email I sent to my representatives, McCain, and Obama:

Now OPEC has decided to cut oil production by 500,000 barrels per day.

We must end Democrats' irresponsible, centrally planned energy policy of Ban. Import. Subsidize.

The American people demand a free market for energy in which free people can develop whatever energy sources make sense economically whereever those sources exist. End the bans on energy production. End the subsidies that pervert our energy market, promoting waste and harming development of alternative energy. A free market in energy is the best plan possible for America's energy needs.

We don't want a Democrat central plan. We don't want a Republican central plan. We don't want T. Boone Pickens's central plan. All central plans - socialism - are inferior to free markets. Free the people to solve our energy problems.

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