Monday, September 01, 2008

Free kibbles

US hands over Anbar province to Iraqi government. A viewpoint from Anbar on the transfer of power from the US to the Iraqi government. What a surprise, there are issues. But compare this viewpoint to the viewpoint from a year ago when these same people were fighting for their lives from al Qaeda. The people concerned about electricity, not being beheaded. What a fantastic success that is.

EU gives backhanded but seemingly spineless threat to Russia, not to "isolate itself". In other words, Europeans won't even take responsibility for isolating Russia for its actions. This is mealy-mouthed. I agree with Britain and Poland - this talk wasn't tough at all. Russia says US may have sent weapons to Georgia. Let's hope so. We should help the Georgians prepare to resist Russian aggression.

Detailed breakdown of the dozens and dozens of new spending plans Obama hopes to force on the American people. He plans to tax and spend us into prosperity.

The WSJ highlights how Obama's new politics looks exactly like Clinton's old politics when it comes to bullying and intimidating anybody who attempts to examine his ties to Bill Ayers, Rev. Wright, and Tony Rezko. Don't forget all the other radicals and communists we haven't heard much about yet. Too bad Obama can't get Sandy Berger to steal and destroy all the old records.

So much for the rumor that Sarah Palin covered up for her daughter's pregnancy - her 17 year old daughter is 5 months pregnant and Palin had informed McCain of that before his picked her.

According to Zogby, nominating Palin was a win for McCain, giving him a 3 point bounce in the polls, compared to Biden, who gave Obama zero bounce.

Sarah Palin says we need to drill, drill, drill along with developing other domestic sources of oil, and she takes on Joe Biden for his vote against the Alaskan oil pipeline 30 years ago. She wants this debate. You can tell she's looking forward to taking on Biden. But she does fall for the same, tired cliche that America needs an energy plan. That's central planning, and it's the last thing we need. Besides, we have an energy plan, it's called "Ban. Import. Subsidize." What we need is a free energy market where free Americans can develop the energy resources that are profitable so that Americans can have the cheapest energy possible.

Sarah Palin is the one who sued the federal government over listing polar bears as threatened. Good for her.

Scientists claim to have discovered evidence of dark matter.

George Will suggests that a McCain first term might look a lot like Schwarzeneggers time in office, a so-called moderate Republican executive with a large Democrat majority Congress. Will shows that Schwarzenegger is effectively a Democrat, and that's about what I've been expecting from McCain, who wanted to make Joe Lieberman his VP. It's going to be ugly. The Democrat legislature, unresisted by Schwarzenegger is increasing taxes, increasing debt, increasing unemployment, and relaxing term limits. That's just crazy, and its exactly what we can expect from Democrats with McCain in the White House. And since its unlikely that Republicans will break ranks with McCain, we're going to basically have single party rule by Democrats. I still can't help but wonder if we wouldn't be better off if Obama wins and Republicans fight tooth and nail against his socialist policies.

Feminists hate Sarah Palin. To them, she's the equivilent of an Uncle Tom.

McCain intends to challenge Obama's claim to be an agent of change. Obama's record is one of playing the corruption, cronyism game of Chicago politics to his advantage and never challenging the status quo. His message, pretending he's an agent of change, is baloney. McCain picked Palin instead of other women because she has a history of challenging the corruption and status quo in government and winning. McCain and Obama like to pretend they're reformers, and Obama's pick of Biden belies that charade, but McCain's pick of Palin, who is a bona fide reformer, gives McCain the credibility to steal the change message from Obama. With her success as a reformer and corruption fighter and her experience as an executive, Palin is the only candidate in the bunch, which includes Hillary Clinton, who is qualified to be president, imo.

Another commentator has grasped that McCain's choice of Palin reaffirms his message of reform and signals his intention to attack Obama on that basis.

Another interesting thought on the subject - the Democrats are running the all Congressional ticket, and Congress' approval rating is 18 percent. Obama, Biden, and McCain are all business as usual politicians in the most unpopular organization in the country. Palin's 67 percent. That's another reason McCain's pick was smart.

The media's chosen one got no bounce from his convention.
the Democrats managed to find a candidate so weak as to counteract the generic ballot advantage

Conservative presents entertaining contrast of the the experience of Barack Obama and Sarah Palin.

George Will reports voters demand empathy in a way they never did or could from Washington and Adams. When voters were self-reliant and didn't expect politicians to solve their problems, America had a great future, and we're living it. Now that voters demand aristocrats solve their problems, we're heading for the crash to end all crashes.

It's nice to know some Britons recognize that the US is environmentally friendly.

For the first time in nearly a century, the sun had zero (or 1/2 by some counts) sunspots for a month - August. This is exactly in line with what many physics and climatologists have been predicting. The article says that this is a surprise, but I've been reporting on it for a year or so, so it's no surprise. The predictions of the prominent NASA scientists who disagreed were accurately criticized for drawing unreasonable conclusions. The best case scenario of this lack of solar activity will be a significant cooling of the climate for at least a decade, meaning reduced harvests and global starvation. The worst case scenario is this is the start of the new ice age. One thing we know for sure is that Al Gore and his fanatics are wrong and have been wrong, and because they've turned science and the press into propaganda machines to promote their false message, keeping the world from preparing for the real climate change, millions will die. This is no time to goat about being right. It's a time to prepare for hardship.

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