Saturday, March 15, 2008

Free kibbles

Alabama prosecutor to apply child drug protection law to unborn children.

Fed bails out securities company Bear Stearns. This is a dangerous precedent, especially if it works. Expectations are for another 0.5 point reduction. I think Bernanke is going to destroy every tree in America printing more dollars - each as worthless as the other. Bush warns against over-correcting. This is the same guy who just worked a bipartisan Congress to increase our debt with new handouts.

Chinese military kill 100 peaceful protesters in Tibet.

Iran blocked reformers from election, so turnout is small and Ahmadinejad supporters are leading. That's what happens when you kick the reformers out of the race.

Turkey's chief prosecutor threatens to ban ruling party because of religious influence.

Gas at $5.20 in California. Those people should move. Just not to where I live. Californians have created their own special problems with their overwhelming liberalism, and they create those problems anew wherever they move.

Reason thinks the bigger scandal in the Eliot Spitzer affair is that prostitution is illegal in the first place.

Of course the world is skeptical the US can manage its economy - the government is doing it instead of the people working together in a free market. The burden of government has crushed entrepreneurship in the US.

Obama's pastor is no longer formally a part of his campaign. It boggles the mind that Obama would invite such a man into his campaign. This is another example of a politician who thinks he's above it all. He thinks he's untouchable and that the racist rantings of his anti-American pastor won't affect him. These government aristocrats don't care about right and wrong. They're so narcissistic and power hungry, they think their own choices and their own decisions won't effect their rise to power and glory. Obama is making a mistake here. Because he didn't unconditionally repute this man, his pastor's prejudices will continue to haunt Obama throughout his campaign. Obama's claim that the church is just about Jesus and helping the poor and that he never witness such racist, anti-American rantings in 20 years doesn't hold water. Mickey Kaus agrees.

McCain wants to extend the Bush tax cuts because the economy is in bad shape. The implication is that he would let them expire if the economy was doing well. In other words, McCain will happily raise taxes as long as the economy is growing. Surely he's better than Clinton or Obama, but he's still scary bad.

Tornado damages downtown Atlanta. That's unusual because the tall buildings in the downtown of a major city usually disrupt the winds. The last time I remember something similar happening was Houston in the 80s.

Cute list of annoyances for astronauts.

Android to compete with I-Phone. Look for Google to win this battle too.

Wall Street is laughing at Eliot Spitzer. And so am I. And while I've heard a lot of people say they feel for his family, nobody is talking about the families of the people Spitzer railroaded or the families of the prostitutes that Spitzer prosecuted. Yahoo news labels Spitzer a Republican. How many stories do you have to look through before you find one that labels him a Democrat? How much you want to bet this gets edited to remove the label, not change it to a 'D'?

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer (R) holds a news conference in New York City with his wife Silda by his side, on March 10.
Mocking Obama's ridiculous rhetoric, Republican Senator proposes $1.4 trillion in new spending to pay for Obama's campaign promises. That's pretty funny. I hope he named it the Obama Hope and Change amendment.

House Democrats are trying to ban the CIA from using effective interrogation techniques and they won't provide immunity to telecoms which assist the president in intercepting communications from the enemy during a time of war. Ever since LBJ, Democrats have tried as hard as they can to make Americans ineffective in combat. They set overly restrictive rules of engagement on our troops, a mistake Bush the Democrat repeated for 4 years in Iraq, and they're trying to make our entire nation vulnerable to terrorists by tying the hands of our security forces.

Enlightening recap
of what has happened to our economy since Democrats took over last year.
  • Oil prices have gone from $60 to $110
  • Job growth has cut in half and the country has lost 80,000 jobs in the last 2 months
  • Family grocery bills are up $70 per month
  • Stock market is down 10%
  • Home prices have fallen 8%
  • Inflation has increased over 4%
This highlights the economic debate we're going to have before this election. Democrats are going to try to blame Republicans by saying how bad things are getting. Republicans will have a great case that Democrats caused these problems because they all showed up after Democrats took control of Congress. And both parties will be lying as usual, because our financial problems are a century in the making, and have been made worse by both parties. But this debate tactic will work, and people will overwhelmingly return incumbents from the 2 parties to office, and the newcomers will be from the 2 parties.

Colorado citizens arming themselves. This will make Colorado safer.

The corruption factory of Congress is great way to get rich quick. The net worth of house members is $675,000 and $1.7 million for senators. I'm amazed these numbers are so low. These guys make $169,000 a year. They get everything paid for. They get reelected 94% of the time. I think it's safe to say these guys are terrible at saving money, which explains a lot.

Do we need science to tell us there are differences between the brains of men and women? Of course not. First off, science explained that to me when I was kid. But it was obvious before science ever explained it. What we need from science is to educate us about the details of the differences.

Hillary dumped Geraldine Ferraro over her Obama comment.

The Heritage Foundation has examined the Democrats' budget proposal and estimates that the American taxpayer will have to pay over $2,000 in additional taxes, and he will lose $1,767 in income because of the weaker economy. I hope everybody an addition $4 grand they can just throw away every year. If you do, more power to you. The reason the index the numbers to 2012 is all the provisions don't take effect until then, so Democrats can't be blamed as easily. The page comes with a table breaking down the figures for every congressional district. For Dayton, the average tax increase is $1,433 and the average income loss is $1,622. Yay for us. Because our area is depressed, we'll only lose $3,066 annually on average.

Colorado legislator wants to make I-70 a HOV/toll road on Sundays and build parking lots for truckers who don't want to drive through during peak hours. This guy wants to spend taxpayer dollars to build parking lots to slow down commerce and therefore our economy. Worse yet, drivers would have to register their peak hour trips with the government in advance. And how long do you think this would be restricted to Sundays? Or Colorado? It's a sign of the sickness of our society that government officials even consider these kinds of tyrannical ideas. We are happily transforming America into the Soviet Union.

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