Sunday, February 10, 2008

Free kibbles

US sniper convicted of murder for killing unarmed Iraqi civilian and planting a weapon on him. We'll see this in the news, but we never see reports of the daily acts of heroism by our troops. Over half a million American servicemen have served in Iraq, but liberals will focus on the hundred or so that have committed crimes while ignoring the heroic service of the rest.

Sec. of Defense Gates warns about the ramifications of NATO failing in Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda strikes again in Iraq. I wish we would finish them off already.

China is forcing Olympic athletes to sign a contract that bans them from criticizing China's government. I think we should boycott.

Toledo mayor cancels Marine urban exercise.

Los Angeles city council to put some much needed restrictions on the paparazzi. These guys are dangerous. Free speech is not freedom to endanger others.

Yahoo to reject Microsoft offer. Microsoft is a gilded boat anchor about now.

Obama sweeps 3 Saturday primaries. Clinton is desperate. She's crying again. She's begging Edwards for an endorsement, and she's pushing for Florida and Michigan votes to be counted since she went behind Democrats' backs to win those elections despite agreeing not to. She's playing the Chelsea "pimped out" comment for all its worth. This woman is a piece of work who should just crawl under a rock, and take her husband with her to protect women. It could be the superdelegates, Democrat aristocrats, who decide the nomination, not voters.

Huckabee wins Kansas and Louisiana. McCain wins Washington, but with only 27% of the vote. Ouch. So much for uniting the party. With the low turnout in blue state Washington, it looks like I was right about moderates. They only like McCain when he's competing with Republicans.

Living on multiple worlds would definitely help insure the survival of our species.

Liberals welcome McCain, Clinton, or Obama because all will ban waterboarding, implement carbon caps or a carbon tax, and reward illegal aliens with legal standing. Liberals welcome these policies because they welcome the consequences. They want to make it easier for terrorists to attack us, they want to stifle the US economy and transfer our hard earned wealth to tyrants, and they want to depress wages, invite in 60 million more underclass illegal immigrants, and make more people dependent on government. If they wanted something else, they would reject those policies.

The demographic transformation of the UK into an Islamic state is spreading everywhere liberalism has torn down our pride in our accomplishments, ideals, traditions, institutions, and ourselves.

Mark Steyn says campaigns are like songs. A few of us listen to the lyrics, but most, especially Obama supporters, just care about the melody.

Brit thinks the Archbishop of Canterbury committed treason by suggesting separate, Sharia law for Muslims.

George Will exposes Republican corruption in the earmark process. This is what we get because we have professional politicians in Washington instead of citizen-representatives. This government aristocracy thinks it's about the law, and that it can just change laws at will after they've been passed.

Lawrence Kudlow has high praise for McCain and predicts a McCain victory.

The 2 parties have wildly succeeded into fooling Americans into thinking they are different. Their rhetoric is way different. There's hardly a hair's difference between their policies. America's very real left versus right split is based on the phony rhetoric of the 2 parties. The real divide is between our ruling aristocrats and the regular Americans. But the ruling aristocrats have divided regular Americans so we can't see what they're doing.

Newt Gingrich has a wildly popular platform of positions for 2008 which he calls the Platform for America. When you look at it, you see what I keep saying - the nation isn't divided left and right. It's divided by government aristocracy and normal Americans. The normal Americans broadly agree on a lot of things that would make America stronger. It does mention lowering taxes, but it has nothing about reducing the size and scope of government. Nearly all of the positions make sense, but many depend heavily on government coercion. While it does address Social Security, my biggest problem is that it would only delay our impending economic collapse from titanic government.

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