Sunday, February 17, 2008

David Walker resigns

Comptroller General David Walker resigns. He was the head of the Government Accountability Office who has been touring the country presenting the information that shows the US government is bankrupt. We are $53 trillion in debt, $400,000 per household in debt, and it will cost $2-3 trillion more for every year we wait to fix this problem. Walker has been trying to educate the people and get government to fix this problem, but he was frustrated by the political aristocracy at every turn.

Excellent segment with David Walker on the Glenn Beck show that highlights the looming disaster. David Walker should be on a mainstream news program every day until we solve this problem.

It's in the personal best interests of our government ruling class to ignore the problem while they get rich off our backs so they can weather the coming disaster while we're left bankrupt and starving. This looming disaster will force 10s of millions of Americans into the streets to starve, and the pain to fix it grows every year we fail to address it. It will turn America into a third world country and make the Great Depression look like a stroll in the park.

This is the end result of a century of liberal mismanagement by both parties. We've known this day was coming for decades, Ronald Reagan warned us about it, but the 2 parties and their accomplice press kept that information out of mainstream public awareness so they could get fat and happy off our tax dollars like feudal noblemen taking crops from the peasants.

David Walker has decided he can do more to help raise awareness of the problem from outside government, which is another indication of how corrupt and self-serving our government officials are.

The only solution to these problems is to dramatically reduce the size and scope of government including abolishing entire government agencies and cabinet positions, reducing the crushing weight and complexity of our laws and regulations, eliminate the income tax that punishes achievement and keeps the American people from the prosperity they otherwise could earn for themselves (adopt the FairTax), and drastic entitlement reform that must meet our current obligations but also reduce future benefits on a path that eliminates all entitlements so that government can never put us in this kind of danger again.

We also need to abolish the ruling aristocracy in Washington and state capitals who have done this to us and return to a model of citizen-representatives by adopting term limits and keeping Congress and legislatures out of session for half a year so representatives will return to their districts to earn a living like every other American for half a year. It took a century to create this now imminent disaster, and it will take decades to undo the damage, dismantle our titanic government, free the American people from the burden of government, and return government to Constitutional limits.

Isn't it funny how, whenever we need to solve a problem, the founding fathers had already provided a solution? All we ever have to do is follow the Constitution.

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