Saturday, November 25, 2006

Free kibbles

The dollar continues to fall. China may stop buying U.S. debt.

British Airways reverses decision and allows cross jewelry.

More sushi bar costumers checked for radiation

Why are U.S. forces restricted by Iraq's political leaders? Bush has given away control of our own military to the detriment of both U.S. and Iraqi goals. We need to destroy those militias before the violence explodes in a full blown civil war.

Nick Gillespie points out it's "buy nothing day" everyday in North Korea.

Jacob Weisberg says the Conservative Era is over, but in fact the conservative agenda was re-affirmed in 2006, and Republicans were repudiated for abandoning it. What mainstream America is searching for is a libertarian era, but we can't get the two parties to support the mainstream, and we can't break the two party system anytime soon.

Ian Bremmer describes the continuing appeal of authoritarianism world-wide. The two parties tap into this appeal in the U.S. as well. It may seem weird, but in the U.S. greater freedom and smaller government would mean greater security. The nanny-state that the two parties have built over the last century is too large and has too much responsibilty to be able to provide good security.

Stephen Chen is designing a supercomputer grid for China.

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