Sunday, November 19, 2006

Free kibbles

The Buckeyes beat Michigan again.

Kissinger says that a military victory in Iraq is impossible. He knows something about being defeated by the loony anti-war left in wars where American troops are restricted from killing the enemy. Michael Goodwin says we should kill all the bad guys. I like that idea better.

Snapshots of the global War on Terror from Palestinian territories, Lebanon, and Pakistan.

Democrats plan to repeal big oil tax breaks. The right lesson to learn from big oil profits is that U.S. companies not saddled with the atrocious U.S. income tax kick ass in the world market. Instead of repealing those tax breaks, we should repeal the income tax. Support the FairTax.

Republicans plan to attack Pelosi and Hillary to regain control. I guess adopting a small government, pro-freedom platform didn't occur to them. Billary has it's own plan.

The only American candidate for the new 7 wonders of the world is the statue of liberty, which was made in France.

The United States is reduced to "urging" our enemies, China and Russia, to help with North Korea and Iran. Once again we give rewards for bad behavior with no penalties. These two nations are waging a Cold War of Terror against us, and we treat them as well as we treat our closest allies and make them rich. How can we expect to influence the world? The two parties have made us impotent against our enemies.

Russian critic and defector poisoned in London. China curbs crime news. More rewards, please.

Dutch Muslims against burqa ban. The battle between Muslims and unbelievers in Europe is on the rise. I hope traditional Europeans begin fighting it.

More on Milton Friedman's impact on the world.

Brian Doherty points out the role a small number of libertarians played in this election. Imagine if either party tapped into the huge non-voting libertarian mainstream of America.

Ruben Navarrette points out that illegal immigration is a self-inflicted wound. We should arrest Americans hiring illegal aliens. Illegals won't come here if they can't get work or benefits. This isn't hard.

Democrats propose more government interference in what should be a free-market contract between employers and employees. Boortz previously pointed out that some unions have wages tied to the minimum wage, so this minimum wage hike is a gift to big labor. That's the politicians' version of hide the salami.

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