Monday, September 29, 2014

Global Warming and Energy

Global warming frauds blame AGW for supposed extreme weather in 2013. Claim refuted.

Global warming frauds are the ones funded by deep pockets, in this case Rockefellers, not skeptics.

Global warming activists targeting financial institutions because it's easier to hire fake protesters in cities than in the country near power plants.

Global warming summit ends with agreement to plant trees.
"However, a declaration to save forests is truly an empty, painless piece of spin. Forests are already recovering worldwide, thanks to globalisation, cheap energy and economic development. In a mirror of our own economic history, large scale urbanisation of countries such as Brazil and Panama, driven by the creation of new jobs in the cities, is luring the younger generation to abandon subsistence farms hacked out of the jungle."
As I've said for decades, people should plant more trees. Nice of the frauds to catch up, but this plan is certainly more about taking credit for the reforestation the market is already providing than actually planting trees.
"Stepping back from the forest non issue, there is another aspect of the NY climate conference spin which I find disturbing – the continuous emphasis on the need for “widespread collaboration” and “unprecedented cooperation”. Every time I see a reference to how everyone has to allegedly strive to sacrifice their own interests, and work together for a common eco-goal, to save the world, I remember something the famous author Terry Pratchett once said;
“Pulling together is the aim of despotism and tyranny. Free men pull in all kinds of directions.”"
As if governments need to collaborate to plant trees. This is clearly one-world-government rhetoric, and that movement has always been behind the global warming fraud.

I remember a reports saying the US was the largest petroleum producer already, but this one says soon.

Claim that only half as many animals are alive today as 40 years ago. I'm skeptical.

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