Monday, January 27, 2014

Police State

FBI shuts down anonymizing TorMail service on the made up charge of enabling child porn, loads the Tor servers with malware, then grabs all the email addresses and accounts.

NSA and GCHQ (British NSA) target "leaky" mobile apps to obtain private info.

The US prison nation.

The Justice Department supposedly reaches a compromise that allows tech companies to publicize more of government's requests, but since much of them remain secret, we can't trust it. These companies are so in bed with the government, this seems like a publicity stunt.

Political persecution of D'Souza over mistakes on campaign contributions frightens some who haven't realized they live in a police state.

Future cops will use smart bullets, stun cannons, all-seeing cameras and crime prediction to intimidate, abuse, maim, kill and control all Americans.

Woman asks for help from federal police officer (I thought we didn't have those), and he responds with nude selfie picture.

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