Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Global Warming and Energy

This story of the propaganda ship trapped in Antarctica gets more surreal by the hour.
"Passengers and crew aboard a Russian ship trapped for eight days in ice off Antarctica planned to ring in the New Year with dinner, drinks and song as they waited for a break in a blizzard to allow a Chinese helicopter to rescue them. But they can't party too hard because the rescue could come at any minute."
These people don't seem to care if they're rescued or not. Is the rescue a publicity stunt too?
""The camaraderie has been great but it is all a bit of a shame for it to end this way. We know a lot of other people are working incredibly hard to get us out of here.""
It's like they have no grasp of the burden and danger they put on others.
"While it has been impossible to break the pack ice outside, the ice has been broken on board with birthday celebrations, singing and art classes. There is enough fresh food on board for two weeks.

"We are all keeping busy, with twice daily briefings outlining all the information we have to hand, alongside classes through the day (knot tying, languages, yoga, photography and many others) while the science program has continued as best we can," Turney said on a blog for the expedition. Reuters
This is bizarre. You would think they would be conserving food, fuel and their personal energy. It's interesting these supposed green activists have no concept of conservation.

Climate frauds deny reality.
"Climate sceptics like to criticise climate models for getting things wrong, and we are the first to admit they are not perfect,” said Sherwood. “But what we are finding is that the mistakes are being made by the models which predict less warming, not those that predict more."
That's too funny.
The graph really does illustrate the fraud.

I don't put any significance on more record lows than highs being set in the US this year.

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