Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Police State

Slashdot poster asks if Bruce Schneier is a plant for the NSA. Maybe the poster is a plant for the NSA. Maybe both, or neither, are. Nobody can know but the NSA. This is how badly government has turned our world upside-down. Our country is doomed.

TSA now pre-screens fliers before they reach the airport.
"While the agency says that the goal is to streamline the security procedures for millions of passengers who pose no risk, the new measures give the government greater authority to use travelers’ data for domestic airport screenings. Previously that level of scrutiny applied only to individuals entering the United States.
The prescreening, some of which is already taking place, is described in documents the T.S.A. released to comply with government regulations about the collection and use of individuals’ data, but the details of the program have not been publicly announced."
What fourth amendment?

Month ago an FBI agent shot dead an unarmed guy he was questioning while backed up by a number of police officers. The unarmed guy was a supposed friend of Boston Marathon suspect 1. To this day, the FBI hasn't released a report about what can only be called an assassination. Originally the FBI claimed the victim attacked the FBI agent with a knife after he had admitted BMS1 had killed some drug dealers in 2011. Somebody quickly exposed the claim that the victim attacked the FBI agent with a knife as a lie. The victim reported he was afraid the FBI would kill him before the interrogation. Now a new report comes out parroting the claim about BMS1 killing the drug dealers. That report is as impossible to believe today as it was the first day the FBI lied about the questioning. The police trust people to forget, so they wait, then they start their propaganda again using their willing, accomplice press.

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