Saturday, October 27, 2012

Global Warming and Energy

Here's nice quote to show just how evil the global warming frauds are:
"But what their role as national leaders demands that they also do is explain that Hurricane Sandy is a true Frankenstorm, a monster created by man tampering with nature with oil, coal, and gas pollution."
In the past, pseudo-scientists have backed up this guy's lies:
"This isn’t the first time he has claimed punishment from on high is retribution for not seeing climate issues his way, readers may recall he blamed conservative states for bringing tornadoes upon themselves by not acting on the climate issues he and his fellow propagandist, Joe Romm were pushing at the time. Three scientists, Kevin Trenberth, Michael Mann, and Gavin Schmidt provided quotes to make that exercise in Tabloid Climatology™  complete."
Here's a quote from another fraud:
"Perhaps this weather scare that may well be much more than just a scare is God’s revenge for the refusal of the U.S. government to take action on the climate crisis."
Anthony Watts responds:
"By extension, Johnson and Glick’s claims are essentially that this Category 1 storm with 75MPH winds is somehow unique to American history, the result of “tampering” with “nature with oil, coal, and gas pollution.” And it hasn’t even made landfall yet. I don’t have to call BS on their idiotic claims, because the facts do it for me."
He follows with a long, really long, list of October Hurricanes that made landfall in the US, pretty much all of which have higher winds than Sandy.

I'm not impressed by the hype surrounding this so-called Frankenstorm. People have dealt with storms like this for tens of thousands of years, at least. I think I'd be more scared of FEMA.

In order to promote itself, NASA jumps on Frankenstorm meme.

First the news creates a bunch of anxiety about the storm, then it reports on the anxiety. The press salivates over storms. I bet storms are their biggest source of revenue. People are still awed by the power of nature, as we should be.

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