Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Free kibbles


GM has a strong surge in sales... to the government. This is another power of the incumbent.


Obama's war on our economy is working, stealing tremendous wealth from the American people, and I'm not surprised the rich are taking the biggest hit.
"A CBO study found that middle class earners lost about 5 percent of their pre-tax income between 2007 and 2009, compared to 2 percent losses for low-income workers and 36 percent declines among the top 1 percent. The study counted government aid, such as welfare, unemployment insurance, and Social Security as income."
While this undoubtedly makes Obama happy, he problem for him is that means he loses lots of tax revenue.


Hurray for Spain's spending cuts. Boo for tax hikes. If he had stopped at cutting spending, the Spanish economy might have improved.

Third California city declares bankruptcy in a month. This is a good thing. It's part of the necessary healing process.

Peter Schiff on the impending calamity of government debt. US treasuries sell at record low rates. For now. As Schiff says, when those record low rates return to normal, the damage being done will create a tremendous crash.


I welcome this video showing that regulations put small businesses out of business, creating fewer, bigger businesses that are beholden to the government.


Guess why Gordon Brown sold a bunch of gold at below market price.
"This is what had happened on an enormous scale by early 1999. One globally significant US bank in particular is understood to have been heavily short on two tonnes of gold, enough to call into question its solvency if redemption occurred at the prevailing price.
Goldman Sachs, which is not understood to have been significantly short on gold itself, is rumoured to have approached the Treasury to explain the situation through its then head of commodities Gavyn Davies, later chairman of the BBC and married to Sue Nye who ran Brown’s private office.
Faced with the prospect of a global collapse in the banking system, the Chancellor took the decision to bail out the banks by dumping Britain’s gold, forcing the price down and allowing the banks to buy back gold at a profit, thus meeting their borrowing obligations."
How's that for cronyism?

Central banks in emerging markets buying gold to insulate themselves from the dollar.

Big banks manipulating interest rates? I'm shocked. This is why the banking cartel exists. This isn't a scandal. It's institutionalized corruption.


One often forgotten aspect of the education bubble is students party like rock stars on the taxpayer's dime.


Monsanto pushes GM crops into Europe.

Enzymes and other natural killers of cancer.

House votes to repeal Obamacare. I yawn.


You know the worm is really turning on the global warming frauds when Nature publishes a paper admitting the climate was significantly warmer 2,000 years ago.

Environmental protection by the government is a farce.


Pat Buchanan explains why Iran is not a threat to the US.


Study finds alcohol is the biggest gateway drug as you would expect, not marijuana.


The sad reality regarding sex crime accusations:
"Nowhere are "imaginary crimes" more prevalent in this country than in so-called sex crimes, be they rape, sexual assault, or child molestation, and no other set of "crimes" requires less proof for conviction. For all of the wistful talk of "revolution," Americans need to understand that a legal revolution already has occurred, as Congress, the courts, and the executive branch have teamed up to wipe out what once was called "due process of law."
While "due process" exists in form, it no longer means anything in substance, and the Mondale Act and the Violence Against Women Act have further eviscerated what have been called "the rights of the accused." Being that the main purpose of the VAWA was to get more convictions of assault, sexual assault, and rape against men, the law has been very successful, but only by spreading the net very wide (on the assumption that all men are rapists and women always tell the truth they when accuse men of rape) and eliminating requirements that the prosecution bring corroborating evidence."
The government is a willing accomplice for evil women and children who lie about sex crimes and use the law as a weapon against men.

TSA defies court order.

Cops have a license to kill, and they use it.

Defense attorneys have long known that the FBI crime lab is one of the most corrupt in the US, so it's nice see the Innocence Project pressured the US government into reviewing convictions based on flawed forensic evidence.


In a rich bought of hypocrisy, the NAACP requires attendees to show photo ID in order to see AG Holder rail against requiring photo ID to vote.

Lew Rockwell got mad at me when I told him Ron Paul was destined to lose, and that he was being disingenuous by claiming he was going to win, but he publishes article about how great Paul did in losing. I told him this six months ago, and he got mad at me for it. I've been saying for a long time that the only way to limit government was for libertarians to take over the Republican party. I love that Ron Paul finally did what I had long advocated. It's like we were on the same page. But Paul didn't do it well. I appreciate Paul's efforts - I bought one of his bobble-heads - but as much as he energized a small percentage of Republican voters, I feel he missed an opportunity to energize far more and really compete for the nomination. He never spoke well. He never spoke simply. He never spoke with clarity. He never explained that all taxes are theft, so he was forced to equivocate on taxes. He never explained that every dollar the government spends makes us poorer, so he was forced to equivocate over government spending. And as much as he talked about printing money, he never explained that the Fed is a counterfeiting organization that steals from us all. I never went to a Paul rally, so maybe he said all those things at his rallies. But he never said them simply and clearly on the national stage, and I saw him every time I could when he was on the national stage, so he came off as an anachronistic old man instead of a man of principle. Ronald Reagan wasn't half the man Ron Paul is, but Reagan presented a powerful advocation of libertarianism during the 1980 campaign, and that's he won. That's why I voted for him. Ron Paul failed to do so, and that's why he lost even though I voted for him. There's a little too much deifying going on in the libertarian camp right now and not enough critical analysis.


The Washington Post calls out Obama for distorting Romney's tax info. Two weeks ago the Post called out Obama for distorting Romney's record on outsourcing jobs at Bain. It looks like the Bilderbergers have turned the Post against Obama too.


Guess what UD is doing with all our tax dollars. Opening an institute in China. It makes sense for UD to take advantage of the tremendous opportunity in this free market zone which makes it a powerful economic and innovation engine, but I don't want to pay for it.

It's too rare we get a story of a cop doing a selfless act. Thanks to this cop for saving these people from a fire. I'm sure this happens all the time because the rank and file are good people trying not to succumb to a bad system.


About the War of 1812:
"The War of 1812 was America’s first neocon war. With an audacity that would become familiar, the war hawks appealed to a combination of personal pride — the British navy was forcibly conscripting Americans — and the prospect of material gain — the absorption of British Canada — wrapped up in love of country. No one said the conquest of Canada would be a “cakewalk,” but the hawks were confident the Americans would be greeted as liberators."
But the British were impressing US sailors.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    1790: Mayer Amschel Rothschild states,"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws."

    1791: The Rothschild’s get, "control of a nation's money," through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington’s cabinet) when they set up a central bank in the USA called the First Bank of the United States. This is established with a 20 year charter.

    1811: The charter for the Rothschild’s Bank of the United States runs out and Congress votes against its renewal. Nathan Mayer Rothschild is not amused and he states,"Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war."However the United States stands firm and the Charter is not renewed, which causes Nathan Mayer Rothschild to issue another threat,"Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status."

    1812: Backed by Rothschild money, and Nathan Mayer Rothschild's orders, the British declare war on the United States.

    Back to 1815, this is the year Nathan Mayer Rothschild makes his famous statement,"I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."
