Friday, October 07, 2011

Free kibbles


Lew Rockwell defines fascism with eight points in order to show the US is a fascist country.
"Fascism is the system of government that cartelizes the private sector, centrally plans the economy to subsidize producers, exalts the police state as the source of order, denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals, and makes the executive state the unlimited master of society."
That's a painfully accurate description of the US today, and we've been marching this road for generations.
"What the [2010 census] data have revealed is devastating. Since 1999, median household income has fallen 7.1 percent. Since 1989, median family income is largely flat. And since 1973 and the end of the gold standard, it has hardly risen at all. The great wealth-generating machine that was once America is failing."
Government is the enemy of prosperity.
"No longer can one generation expect to live a better life than the previous one. The fascist economic model has killed what was once called the American dream. And the truth is, of course, even worse than the statistic reveals. You have to consider how many incomes exist within a single household to make up the total income. After World War II, the single-income family became the norm. Then the money was destroyed and American savings were wiped out and the capital base of the economy was devastated."
It now takes multiple bread winners to just to keep pace with what a single bread winner earned 60 years ago.
"It is ever more widely known that statism does not and cannot work. Statism is the great lie. Statism gives us the exact opposite of its promise. It promised security, prosperity, and peace; it has given us fear, poverty, war, and death."
Great quote.

What a fantastic and horrific observation about the creation of wealth in the private sector and government's voracious destruction of that wealth:
"It occurred to me that the Jobs estate will probably face about $2 billion in estate taxes. That is approximately what the Federal Government spends every hour. So he worked hard for a lifetime and now a third of his wealth will be squandered in one hour."
Jobs earned all that money by serving his customers over a lifetime, and the government will steal it and destroy it an hour.


Not only are the Keynesians calling for printing even more money, the supposedly free-market monetarists are calling for dumping out of helicopters too.


The Guardian, stalwart supporter of global warming frauds for a decade or more, bashes Al Gore for....

Did you just figure that out?


A virus has infected US drones.

Former Afghan war commander McChrystal explains why central planning is always doomed to fail:
"The U.S. began the war in Afghanistan with a "frighteningly simplistic" view of the country, and even 10 years later lacks knowledge that could help bring the conflict to a successful end, a former top commander said Thursday."
A handful of people can never understand the desires and abilities of 25 million people. Thinking otherwise is the fatal conceit of central planners.
"Of the remaining tasks to be accomplished, he said the most difficult may be creating a legitimate government that ordinary Afghans can believe in and that can serve as a counterweight to the Taliban."
That's an amazing admission that the US is attempting to create a client state.


Like flies are attracted to manure, Bill Ayers joins the Occupy Wall Street movement. It's no coincidence that many of Barack Obama's partners in Marxism are involved.

One of many ways government's rules work in favor of the Wall Street protesters.
"Sometimes the State demands space outdoors for “public use.” This stolen land then becomes a “park” (you’d be amazed at what New York denominates a “park.” I once saw a forlorn sign crookedly proclaiming a triangle of asphalt at an intersection in Brooklyn “Some-Name-I-Forget Park.” Hey, close enough for government work).It is one of these “public-use” parks that “Occupy Wall Street” has commandeered. Which means the thugs-in-blue can’t eject protesters, according to Top Cop Ray Kelly, since the park is “private property” -- but neither can the owner, Brookfield Properties, because the land is for “public use.” Stunning, isn’t it? First Our Rulers confiscate acreage, then they profess helplessness when squatters seize it while forbidding the alleged “owner” from evicting them as well."
It cracks me up when the government claims its powerless under the law. Like any government official bothers to obey the law when breaking it is in his or her interest.


Great description of the division of labor as social cooperation.
"The enormously complex network of products and services — not to mention the collaborative skills that are coordinated in order to produce them — shows that we are all quite dependent on others for our prosperity and wealth. But note that this state of dependence is necessary only if we find desirable the prosperity that comes with it. Everybody should have the right to renounce this market order and refrain from partaking in the division of labor, even if it ultimately means that those who choose to do so also have to opt out of everything that makes our lives comfortable and convenient."
Markets promote cooperation. Government divides.

I'm not impressed with people digitally recreating cities that sank below the seas 3,000 years ago. There's plenty of cities on land from 3,000 years ago. This is just piling on the status quo. I want to see somebody digitally recreate cities that sank below the waves 10,000 years ago or more. I want to see true innovation overturn the status quo.

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