Saturday, July 23, 2011

Free kibbles


Prediction of a social media bubble.


The USDA supports irradiating food with a radiation dose equivalent to half a billion chest X-rays. Who do you think benefits from this process?  Government caught covering up evidence of fluoride toxicity to benefit dentists.


Joe Bastardi predicts no el Nino this year, thank goodness. It's plenty hot already. Unfortunately, he's predicting a cold winter too.

Yes, sugar is bad for people, but using government to ban sugar would be far worse. Think of the deadly black market that would create. People would binge on sugar. They would process it further. They would shoot it into their veins. A sugar ban would create mayhem, death and destruction even greater than the war on drugs because people crave sugar far more than drugs.


What laws have you broken today?


The body count in Norway reaches 92. Wow. So far the government believes this was a home grown terrorist attack. The alleged mass murderer is not what the government establishment wishes.


The Dayton air show is a trend setter. I don't know what that means, but I'm happy to hear it. Suddenly my blogger page is under intense scrutiny. Imagine that. God forbid somebody enjoy the local air show.

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