Thursday, April 14, 2011

Free kibbles


It seems Obama has figured out that Paul Ryan is the most dangerous Republican, so he invited him to sit front and center at his speech. Here's Ryan's comments.
"Exploiting people’s emotions of fear, envy, and anxiety is not hope. It’s not change. It’s partisanship. We don’t need partisanship. We don’t need demagoguery. We need solutions. And we don’t need to keep punting to other people to make tough decisions. If we don’t make tough decisions today, our children are going to have to make much, much tougher decisions tomorrow."
So Obama gives a campaign speech that masquerades as a policy speech. Ryan responds with a campaign attack. This is a personal battle for control of the government's looting apparatus between these two.

The city of Sandy Springs, Georgia is doing well during this recession because they outsourced everything. Well, not quite everything. They still have some employees, so there's room for improvement.
"The best government is government that is closest to the people."
The least-worst government is the government that's closest to the people, but no matter how small or how close, all government exists to loot the people. In this case, the smaller, closer government pushed away a larger, further away government, and that's an improvement.

Progressives are doing a rolling fast, whatever that is, to protest immoral spending cuts by Republicans. Those progressives know how to work the media.

Government wants to give the IRS the power to pre-determine your tax liability before you file, and if your filing is different, audit you. When will Americans finally put an end to our travesty of a government?

Thomas Sowell thinks giving young people to option to opt out of Social Security and Medicare will dramatically cut the the expense. But who will pay for today's seniors?

Republican controlled House passes budget compromise they claim cuts $38 billion from the budget but which the CBO reports actually increases the budget by $3.3 billion.
"The final vote on the fiscal 2011 budget deal was 260-167.In the end, 179 Republicans and 81 Democrats backed the measure, which was agreed to late last week just an hour before the federal government was slated to shut down.
Boehner, R-Ohio, lost 59 votes from his GOP majority."
One hundred seventy nine Republicans voted to increase spending and only 59 voted against it. With small government friends like those, who needs enemies?


FAA bureaucrat resigns over sleeping air traffic controllers. Wow. That almost never happens in the US.


Researchers accidentally discover that light striking an insulator can create a magnetic field. The process produces hardly any heat, unlike traditional solar power, potentially opening the door to much cheaper solar power.


Parents who allowed their child to be molested by TSA agents now blame the TSA agents.
"The Drexels said they stood powerless, watching as their daughter was patted down."
What a load of crap. These parents were not powerless. That's an excuse. They could have chosen not to fly in the first place. They could have chosen not to fly once they saw their child was going to get molested. They had plenty of power. They just refused to use it, and as a result, the TSA molested their child. They're just as responsible for the molestation as the government is.


Obama's approval drops below 50 percent with poor people. His class warfare rhetoric and the consequences of his policies are costing him the people they're designed to attract.

Fighting for government to end its corruption is like fighting for water to stop being wet.


Now Dayton city government is going to choose police and firefighters based solely on interviews, ignoring the written test scores in hopes that more blacks will get hired. The Feds made them change it.


Private bus service thrives because it isn't regulated or subsidized by government. Includes Wi-Fi.

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