Sunday, November 21, 2010

Free kibbles


TSA breaks seal on man's urostomy bag, leaking urine all over him and his clothes. This is a stark reminder that these checks have nothing to do with security. It's about forcing people to submit like sheep to their overlords.

TSA agents temporarily take baby from mother because the clip on his pacifier set off the metal detector. Clearly this mother is unstable and a terrible parent for subjecting her son to these goons and allowing them to take him out of her sight., but this should still never happen.

A man in San Diego took the resistance to the next level, and was promptly arrested for it.
"In San Diego, where John Tyner was abused, the TSA have had Sam Wolanyk arrested for two offenses: one, entering the Blue Shirt zone and refusing to engage in either of his two authoritarian choices: go through the naked x-ray photo machine, or be molested. Instead, he took all his clothes off, except his briefs, and told the assembled handlers that they could see he had nothing to hide, and they were free to go through his clothes and bag, but not his body. Two, he used his phone to record the encounter. Boom! He was frogmarched through the airport in his underwear to the waiting cops. And the cops also arrested a woman who used her cell phone to record the event. Federal employees, unlike the people, have the “expectation of privacy.” Of course, Sam’s real crime was making fun of the government. As in any authoritarian regime, that is a no-no. Fear, resent, hate–they’re all fine. But no laughing at our overlords."
I appreciate brave people like this. He's lucky they didn't just shoot him. As I said above, this is a stark reminder that these checks have nothing to do with security. It's about forcing people to submit like sheep to their overlords.

This is a sudden change for the top TSA thug.
"TSA Administrator John Pistole said in a statement Sunday afternoon the agency is "constantly evaluating and adapting" security and that procedures are refined so that "comment from the traveling public is taken into account.""
Obama must be feeling the heat. He also wants to expand the oppression to trains and subways.

Interesting terminology point. What TSA is doing is not a pat-down, it's a search, and we shouldn't confuse it with a pat-down because if we do, police will soon be doing the same invasive search to everybody.


An American professor tours a state of the art nuclear enrichment facility in North Korea. US government is surprised. How's that socialized intelligence bureaucracy working out for us?
"American officials know the plant did not exist in 2009, when inspectors were thrown out, the New York Times reports, adding that the speed with which it was built suggests the isolated and desperately poor country had foreign help."
Are they just now figuring that out? North Korea isn't much beyond the stone age. The only way they can build something like this is with China's help. Why won't anybody else say that?


In other example of how we've empowered government to turn our world upside down, a posted sign at a Phoenix golf course reads: "For your safety, walking, running and recreational activity is prohibited." It's got to be a joke, right?

I love this experiment where traffic lights were turned off and people free from government control made them much safer and capable of handling significantly more traffic with much less congestion than before. This is just what I would expect because individual brains operating with specific circumstances are always superior to one size fits all central planning through threat of violence. But the author reads too much into this:
"What these examples of regulated and unregulated intersections show is about as close to a perfectly controlled social-behavioral experiment as one can possible get, and they demonstrate concretely the truth of the libertarian position on the nature of man and society. In addition, they show the problem of "transition" from a socialist society to a free one is a rather insignificant problem. Were the state to completely disappear tomorrow, people would immediately begin to adapt and thrive in the new situation."
If the government were to disappear tomorrow, the people would immediately create another government to replace it. You can't erase 10s of millions of years of mammal, ape and human evolution over night. Governments evolved with us, and we're not going to get rid of them. It's not possible because of human nature. We're not robots whose programing can be changed instantly. The best we can ever hope for is to make them as small and powerless as possible. Any by linking the improvements in our lives to reducing the size and scope of government, as this video does, we can convince people to continuously reduce the size and scope of government to a very small level. But pushing for anarchy and hoping for the state to collapse and wipe out wealth of hundreds of millions of people defeats that purpose. Nothing good can come of that.
"When one really thinks about it, it truly is Orwellian how one mindless machine can dominate and control the lives of hundreds of millions of rational human beings through willing, blind obedience."
That's a fact. What it shows is how strongly programmed we've been by evolution to submit to authority.
"The evidence is clear. Road signs and lights that regulate driver behavior at intersections are an abominable menace to society that must be abolished and followed by the complete deregulation of intersections."
Exactly right, yet traffic lights still dominate every intersection. In other words, this isn't about reason. It isn't about rationality. It's about our genetic programming, and that's not going to change much in the next million years or so.

Government uses fear to expand its power.

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