Thursday, June 25, 2009

Free kibbles

In what's become a daily ritual, North Korea warns of nuclear retaliation if the US hinders its ship.

Opposition delays new demonstrations in Iran because of violent government response. The Mullah's regime may survive this. Opposition leader continues to try and bring out protesters.

ABC offers some mild criticism of Obamacare, but they should have slammed it hard. Why didn't they fact check the costs? Oh yeah, they love Obama.

In 8-1 vote, Supreme Court rules strip search of 13 year old girl is unlawful, but confers immunity on officials who performed the search. I assume that's because the school's policy allowed the search, but if so, that's the old "I was just following orders" argument. Any school official knows it's wrong to strip search a student and should be punished for doing so.

"Freedom is needed for technological advance; and when freedom is lost, technology itself decays and society sinks back, as in the Dark Ages, into virtual barbarism." There's a lot of truth packed in this tiny essay.

God bless Farrah Fawcett.

The US is sending weapons to the pretend government in Somalia. How much do you want to bet that those weapons are used to hijack US ships in the future? Aristocrats just can't admit they don't know what's going on and they're not in control everywhere in the world.

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