Friday, May 29, 2009

Free kibbles

Cato calls Sotomayor the most radical of the justices Obama was choosing from, and says if she was not a Hispanic woman, she would never have been considered. Cato expands on that claim. Cato explains why compassion and empathy conflict with being a good judge. Now Obama is pretending she just misspoke about think her ethnicity and gender made her a better judge than a white man. Give me a break.

Doug Bandow is still suggesting the US coddle and wait out North Korea, but he's yet to explain what we're waiting for. He's said the regime will fall, but he hasn't told us when, and he hasn't told us what effect becoming a nuclear power will have on his belief it will fall. If Mr. Bandow believes that the NK regime will fall before it can threaten the US, he should make that clear and explain why he believes that. It seems to me Mr. Bandow wants to avoid a bad option today for a far worse situation in the near future because he's ideologically wedded to pacifism.

The economy is getting worse, but at a slower rate, and the media are telling us this is good news. Can you imagine what they would be saying if McCain had won?

Oil is on the rise, the dollar is down and that means inflation is already here. Man I wish I had found these Mises guys earlier. I'd have retired a millionaire from investing back when I had lots of money.

Excellent 2005 interview with Judge Andrew Napolitano by Reason in which the judge says he admires Ludwig von Mises. Imagine that.

Obama toning down its planned regulation of financial markets because of political pressure. At least there's some sanity out there. Apparently Barney Frank, of all people, is opposed to having a single bank regulator. I guess more regulators means he has more oversight.

Nancy Pelosi says people have a right to a clean environment. Then she should get her butt over here and clean my house.

What does "filing for bankruptcy under the direction of the Obama administration" mean? How does Obama direct bankruptcies? Is Obama a bankruptcy judge now too? Pharaoh Obama is everything to all people. He puts the light in our lives or ruins them depending on his whim and how much money we donated to him. You can't help but be reminded of Roman emperors giving the thumbs up or thumbs down to gladiators. Under Obama's plan, the government would own 72.5 percent, the UAW would own 17.5 percent, and current bondholders would own 10 percent and be powerless in the face of the government and UAW destruction of GM and our entire auto industry. Bondholders would be fools to take this deal. They're better off breaking the company up and cannibalizing its assets. The UAW likey. I'm sure they do. Apparently Obama is threatening the bond holders with nothing if they don't agree with this deal.

There may be twice as much oil under the Arctic continental shelf than previously suspected. I hope the people from the smart country that gets it enjoy it because you can be sure the aristocrats in Washington won't allow Americans to participate in the wealth.

I'm not surprised that Obama's stimulus boondoggle is bypassing states hit hardest by recession.

Since Obama and Democrats killed D.C.'s school voucher program, D.C. should implement its own to save money and provide better education to its students.

Pre-election, full episode interview of Ron Paul by Glenn Beck.

Obama has no business being involved in non-government cyber-security. Treating digital infrastructure as a strategic national asset just means Obama plans to take over the internet and generously allow the rest of us to use it as long as we meet all his requirements. This is Obama's attempt to shut down opposing voices on the internet.
Obama addressed concerns that the person might not have the budgetary and policy-making authority needed to force change. The coordinator, he said, will have "regular access to me.
It's always force with Obama.

Reason advocates cutting the number of Senators in half.

Michelle Malkin exposes tight connections, including sharing donor lists, between not only between Barack Obama's 2008 campaign and ACORN but other Democrats as well.
Why does this matter? Transparency, tax dollars and electoral integrity. ACORN's own lawyer Elizabeth Kingsley acknowledged last year that a vast web of tax-exempt ACORN affiliates were shuffling money around -- making it almost impossible to track whether campaign rules and tax regulations were being followed. ACORN receives 40 percent of its revenues from taxpayers. Americans deserve to know whether and how much commingling of public money with political projects has occurred over the last four decades -- and what role the Obama campaign played in this enterprise.
Our taxdollars went to ACORN to help elect Barack Obama. We finally have the evidence for the ACORN-Obama corruption we warned about.

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