Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Free kibbles

Newt Gingrich compares Obama's foreign policy to Carter's.

Cutting weapons programs in favor of military manpower is one thing. Cutting military spending while escalating the war in Afghanistan we can't win is another. That doesn't make sense. Cutting back on missile defense development is insane.

Democrats, including RINO Olympia Snow, have unveiled their plan to control the internet under the guise of national security, giving the commerce secretary unlimited access to any segment of the internet the president deems critical. This censorship that's bound to accompany this is another piece of the puzzle of how Obama plans to win re-election despite destroying our country.

Obama the windbag.

Poll shows that Obama starts as easily the most divisive and partisan president in modern history, just as those of us who did the work to get to know him before the election knew he would be. Anybody who voted for Obama expecting him to be a moderate should not have voted because they either didn't do the work to know him or were lying to themselves. I hope all those voters spend some time in serious self-reflection and figure out how they were so wrong before voting again.

Study shows the human and financial benefits of decriminalizing drugs in Great Britain.

It looks like my fear that Obama would so deepen and prolong this recession that it would accelerate the looming entitlement crisis and we would run into it before we escaped from the recession has come true. The Social Security pyramid scheme, recently expected to be in the black for 10 more years, is now expected to hit the red as soon as next year. Much of our government funding comes from taking the Social Security surplus to fund the vote buying schemes of the aristocrats. All that's in the so-called trust fund is IOUs. When that crisis hits, this recession is going to look like the roaring 20s.

CVS and Google team up for online medical management system that Obama will either nationalize or destroy so government can monopolize our health care.

Almost 1 in 5 4 year olds is obese. Note to parents. Stop overfeeding your kids and make them go outside and play.

Mises uses squirrel water consumption calculation to show that greenies are alarmists.

The private sector in Spain looses 2.2 jobs for every green job created by government subsidies.

Liberals complained about Bush politicizing the Just Dept. for years, but this corrupt prosecution of Alaska Sen. Stevens shows that any politicization of the Dept. by Bush obviously favored Democrats. How does a judge do a criminal investigation, and where does he get the power to do so? Do judges have power to conduct independent contempt of court investigations? That would make sense.

Cato explains the bipartisan socialist bill called the Serve America Act mistakes subservience to the government with service to other people.

Cato provides the figures proving that the rich are overtaxed.

Fidel Castro asks US Congressmen how he can help. Free your people!

Chinese firm and its manager busted for helping Iran get missile and nuclear weapon technology.
"This case will cut off a major source of supply to Iran and it shows how they are going ahead full steam to get a nuclear bomb."
Obama to make firm YouTube video in response.

Reason analyzes the fiscal irresponsibility of state governments like California begging for a bailout.

It turns out that in practice, cap and trade policies are just corporate welfare in which people pay high prices for energy which line the pockets of energy company stockholders.

Obama's health care plan is likely to put private health insurance companies out of business. That's what it's designed to do, sucking more people into the subsidized and therefore seemingly cheaper but actually more expensive government program until we end up with socialized medicine.

Obama's budget dooms us all to higher taxes.

Plow convoy escorts man to liver transplant. This is an incredible story of good government. Naturally, there were no politicians or bureaucrats involved.

15 minute sterilization for women. Every man in the world is sighing in relief.

The problem with these students who can't handle English only schools is in their home. Clearly some of the parents are not working with them to learn English.

Swedish police can't find children kidnapped by mother for 6 months. Father flies in from Australia, sits outside the mother's parents' house for a week and finds his kids.

Allied commanders made sure only white soldiers liberated Paris with Charles de Gualle. Wow.

$50,000 seems like an awfully low amount for rescue relief in Italy.

Conspiracy theorists will go wild with this study that claims to have found evidence for a high explosive in the World Trade Center debris.

Witnesses say man who died from supposedly natural causes at G-20 was actually killed by falling and hitting his head after a policeman hit him with a baton.

Model wakes up to find her boyfriend having sex with her friend on the airplane seat next to her. Alcohol was involved.

Cyber-spies cracked the US electrical grid.

I bet Al Gore got a good chuckle at the snow we had today.

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