Thursday, February 19, 2009

Free kibbles

Moderate California Republican caves to $17 billion tax increase in exchange for a couple of political favors. This tax increase will push many jobs and high income people out of California, so the state will quickly return to another budget nightmare. California Republicans remove minority leader because he supported tax increases.

Why would anybody buy a bond that pays no interest?

Mises scholar shows that deflation is over, prices increased in January, and it looks like we're headed for hyperinflation.

It turns out that an organization that led the way in predicting doom from global warming because of arctic ice melt was suffering from sensor drift and therefore significantly underestimating the amount of arctic ice.

Cute analogy of government pushing Jaguars on people instead of credit.

Boortz agrees with me that President Obama's claim to not support the Fairness Doctrine most likely signals that Obama will come up with a new name for the same idea.

Congressional Budget Office says Obama's stimulus boondoggle will lead to lower wages. Of course it will. It pays people not to work. It gives handouts in the form of subsidies to politically favored business owners. Those people become better off. All of this is paid for by the American people, who will by definition become worse off for having to pay for it. Government interference in the economy is responsible for the wage disparity in the US, and Obama's increased interference means increased wage disparity. That wouldn't happen in a free market, where companies get paid according to the quality and price of goods and services instead of how politically well connected they are.

It doesn't make sense for governors to turn down stimulus funds. That money is already appropriated, and citizens in those states are paying for it. Not taking it just means other citizens will get that tax money. If possible, governors should just give the money back to the people to save, pay off bills or whatever the citizens prefer.

The Swedes are smart enough not to bail out GM's Saab unit. Too bad Americans elect representatives who aren't that smart.

Sense of entitlement and misplaced belief that working hard entitles one to good grades harms college students. You can work harder than anybody on the planet at digging ditches and filling them in, and it won't earn you a penny. Working smart pays.

You'd have to be a koolaid drinking partisan not recognize the similarities to Obama's policies and McCain's.

Dow down again. The more government interferes in our economy and our lives, the poorer we all become.

1998 essay from Mises scholar explains then that Greenspan is no capitalist but a central planner who refused to allow markets work. Linked from a higher article explaining how a real estate bubble burst in Asia, and should be allowed to flush out bad investments. I've often written about how our collapse would be bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union, and this shows another reason why. We are repeating all the mistakes of the past on far grander scale than any in history.

OMG! Glenn Beck illustrates just how much damage Ben Bernanke is doing to our money and therefore how much damage he is doing to our economy. If you can't figure out from this presentation just how devastating government is to our lives and prosperity, you have to be hypnotized or something. This is just astounding!

Cato finds a morsel to like in Obama's otherwise terrible mortgage baolout plan.

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