Thursday, January 22, 2009

Free kibbles

It's a sad indictment of Obama and liberals in general that Obama's first priority upon taking office was protecting terrorists and endangering the American people. It's even more important to him than his imminent redistribution of wealth. In Obama's America, terrorists come first at the expense of Americans. Frankly, this is nothing but a PR stunt, he doesn't have a clue or a plan on how to actually close Guantanamo, to help him push his radical leftist domestic agenda. I hope the American people are angered enough to rise up and put an end to Obama's radicalism. Congress declared war on al Qaeda and its affiliates, just as it declared war on the Germans in WWII. We should execute al Qaeda's top terrorists just like we executed top Nazis, and we should hold al Qaeda's enemy combatants until the end of this war just like we held German enemy combatants until the end of WWII.

We like to think of security as some vague federal program, but security is always intensely personal. Terrorists are stopped by people, not manuals, white papers or debates. Obama's smack in the face of our security personnel who have sacrificed their lives figuratively, and many literally, by ordering the close of Guantanamo will hurt our security. The professionals will do their best not to let if affect their jobs, but at some level, it will affect them. For all President Bush's failures, he had one major success - he kept us safe. In contrast, Obama has already weakened our security forces.

Obama's inauguration ceremony was the most watched since Reagan's in 1981. Even given the historic event of a black man becoming president, Obama cannot rally the American people like Reagan. That's because he advocates terrible socialist policies that will harm America.

Caroline Kennedy withdraws from consideration for Senate appointment. Could she be more of a flake? Apparently Patterson was appoint this flake to a Senate for his own selfish motives, so she saved the country that embarrassment. Tax and housekeeper issues may have derailed her bid. Everywhere you look, corrupt aristocrats abound.

Layoffs at Microsoft, Intel and IBM. My buddies at AMD are taking a 10 percent pay cut.

The Congressional Budget Office says Obama's stimulus package won't stimulate jobs right away. It should also say that for ever job it creates, it will destroy a more efficient job in the private sector, but it doesn't. The goal should not be to create jobs. It should be to increase production through improved efficiency because that will create the most valuable jobs.

Iraq ambassador Crocker says pulling out of Iraq too soon may allow al Qaeda to have a resurgence. Obama knows that, he knew that when he promised to pull out in 16 months over a year ago. He just doesn't care. But he ought to.

Just days after Israel stopped it's assault, Gazan's already have their smuggling tunnels operational so they can rearm Hamas. It seemed from the news I read that Israel had Hamas on the ropes, then let them off again. Why couldn't Israel use troops to thoroughly shut down the tunnels? Maybe that's wrong. Maybe Israel wasn't near to crushing Hamas. But I don't see how that could be. I think Israel is just derelict in in its duty to protect Israelis. I bet Hamas's weapons come by tunnel and sea.

Congressmen are using their positions to pressure the Treasure Dept. to funnel funds to their favorite donors. I hope nobody is surprised by this. I hope everybody understand that ever dollar we send to government gets used to increase the power of the aristocrats against us. This is the nature of government.

Woman having trouble making car payment tells collection agency that this years she's going to be rich because of Barack Obama.

As low as Bush's approval ratings are, Truman and Nixon left office with lower approval ratings.

More Americans watched American Idol than watched Obama's inauguration. This inauguration was hugely over-hyped, and I should have known better. It's a shame more Americans weren't excited by the inauguration of the first black (even if only half black) president. Obama failed to even unite the nation for that one, truly fabulously historic moment, and that's as good for Obama as it will ever get.

What good will freezing the pay of White House staff for a year do? Most people have the same salary for a year at a time, now so will White House staff (over $100,000). This is absolutely meaningless. If they're overpaid, lower their salaries. If they're not, don't use them as pawn to make meaningless symbolic gestures.

GM to run out of money by March. Good thing we didn't waste taxpayer money by guaranteeing any loans to it. Oh, wait...

Dutch prosecutors try filmmaker for anti-Islamic statements. When liberals talk about change, they're talking about changing America like this.

Book claims that WWII was the second phase of the New Deal and Roosevelt undermined German resistance movements to keep the war from ending before the 1940 election, fearing he would otherwise lose. This is pretty amazing stuff, and quite an indictment of Roosevelt.

George Bush will include a Freedom Institute in his presidential library. You've got to be kidding me. Is he just stabbing us in the eye one last time?

Cato reminds us that government regulation and Fed policy created this financial crisis. A second analysis shows that government spending make the problem worse, not better. I wish these experts would add in the effect of the income tax. I'm sure they're looking at what changed, the CRA rules, federal housing regulator lending policies, Fannie and Freddie, and the Fed's interest rate, but the income tax is a persistent perverter of our economy, punishing savings and investment and rewarding debt, and it played a role in the bubble as well.

Executive summary of the House stimulus boondoggle.

White House won't use tracking cookies for users who visit its site unless the page visited has a YouTube video embedded. Why?

Cato scholar explains that our efforts in Afghanistan, much like our efforts in Iraq, are hampered by our myopic devotion to central power. Just like the central government in Iraq couldn't stop the insurgency, neither can the central government in Afghanistan. US forces teamed up with local sheiks in Iraq to defeate the insurgency, and it looks like we'll have to work with tribal leader in Afghanistan to defeat the Taliban.

But to anybody except a government aristocrat, this is obvious. Power flows from the grassroots up. Our plan to impose democracy in Iraq from the top-down cost lives and nearly cost us victory. We're losing the war in Afghanistan because of the same failed idea, and have been from the beginning. Why didn't we start by working at the grassroots level, build up infrastructure and institutions at that level, and allow the countries to build upwards to a central government of their own devising? The aristocrats in Washington have been so corrupted by the power we've surrendered to them for so long, they think power flows from the top down. That's our mistake, giving them too much power, and it's costing lives.

Author shows that Barack Obama has surrounded himself with people with ethical and corruption problems. Coming from Illinois, that's what makes Obama comfortable.

Walter Williams explains how Lincoln used the Emancipation Proclamation to pretend the civil war was about freeing slaves because the war was going poorly for the North and he was afraid Europe might begin trading with the South. Obama has picked Lincoln, who started the bloodiest war and stomped on the Constitution more than any president in history, and FDR, who got us in the second bloodiest war and was second only to Lincoln in stomping on the Constitution, as his role models. That's just scary.

Dick Morris aptly describes Obama's stimulus package as a trojan horse for radical liberal policies.

I have a feeling this blackberry is going to become a real issue in the future. Is Obama's blackberry email archived the same as other email? I wouldn't be surprised if one of the reasons Obama is addicted to his blackberry is he used it to keep questionable exchanges private. I wouldn't be surprised if he does it with this one too. How was President Bush's personal email separated from non-personal? What if the president sends email to another official and mentions that some lobbyist is good looking? What if he calls Osama bin Laden an dirty name? Is that archived?

Supreme Court upholds search, seizure and subsequent conviction of man even though arrest warrant had expired. Government negligence negates the Bill of Rights. Then why put an experation date on them? Why not just make them permanent? I'd like to know which justices voted with Roberts. I can guess.

Reason advocates replacing government's monopoly on schools with schools run by teacher-entrepreneurs.

Reason gives a us funny but telling list of all the economic wisdom that has been turned upside down during this crisis.

Reason says it's time to stop the cycle of spending. I'm sure that will stop Obama and Democrats and their trillions in new debt in their tracks.

Reason provides a great essay explaining why I say Obama is like Bush on steroids, doubling down on Bush's failed policies. Increased government spending and debt helped drive this crisis. Democrats want to further increase spending and debt. Irresponsible policies to put people into homes they couldn't afford created an oversupply of housing. Obama and Democrats want to invest more in housing, even though that started this economic crisis. Bush dramatically increased regulation of the economy, helping create this crisis. Democrats want even more regulation of the economy.

Canadian students owe $13 billion in loans. When government subsidized education, people who don't really want it will go for it and most won't succeed. The result is debt for them and for taxpayers.

College student arrested for participating in huge snowball fight with 200 other students. Give me a break.

The US coast guard is operating in waters near Columbia to capture nacro semi-submarines.

We pay ridiculous expenses to retired presidents, especially Bill Clinton.

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