Monday, July 07, 2008

Free kibbles

Iran building A-bomb making equipment according to specs provided by A.Q. Khan. Iran says Ahmadinejad was the target of a secret X-Ray assassination plot in Rome. Seriously. They claim the X-Ray machine was rigged to give him a lethal does of X-Rays. And some people want this man to have his hands on a nuclear trigger. Yikes!

Iraqi PM Maliki suggests timetable for withdrawing US troops. Bush is trying to negotiate a security deal, so it has to end sometime. Maliki wants it to end sooner rather than later, and so do I. Let's win this war and bring our troops home. Because of our success in Iraq, we can expect troop cuts in 2009. This has been expected for months. I still expect George Bush to announce troop cuts before the November election to boost Republicans. It doesn't make sense to wait until after the election to announce them. Mickey Kaus wonders of good news from Iraq helps Obama since it would lead to quicker withdrawal. I hope not. The man has been wrong about everything. That shouldn't work in his favor.

The World Bank urges US and EU to stop subsidizing biofuels and produce more food to feed people. The biofuels don't make a dent in the energy market, but they sure drive up food prices. This is a no-brainer, so you can bet Congress won't do it. It means admitting they were wrong, and our oh so elite leaders can never be wrong, right?

California mandates every car have a global warming score sticker. Why? If buyers care, they can do a little research. This is just another excuse for the government to grab power and to take freedom from Americans in the name of global warming.

G8 leaders criticize South African President Mbeki for not reining in Zimbabwean President Mugabe. Sure, he didn't do anything worthwhile to stop Mugabe's reign of terror, but neither did the G8 leaders. Seems to me there's plenty of criticism to go around, and dumping on one guy is just passing the buck.

A suicide bomber kills 41 at Indian embassy in Afghanistan.

Reason suggests that not everybody held in Guantanamo is a terrorist. I'm sure they're not. Just as I'm sure we held prisoners in the Revolution, War of 1812, Civil War, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Gulf War who were not enemy combatants. Nobody is perfect. But the prosecution of war is not about protecting the innocent. That's the job of civilian courts. The prosecution of war is about defeating the enemy so we continue to have civilian courts. It will never be perfect. Non-combatants die. Non-combatants get held as prisoners.The military has done a fantastic job of limiting how many non-combatants get killed or captured in this ugliest of wars where the enemy never wears a uniform and uses human shields. The numbers of detainees are tiny compared to historical standards.

The mistakes are no excuse for the Supreme Court unconstitutionally butting into the handling of detained enemy combatants - a war power granted to the president and Congress by the Constitution, which grants none to the Court. Bush should refuse to allow the detainees access to the Courts. The Supreme Court is a co-equal branch of government, not the boss of the Executive Branch. Each co-equal branch is responsible for interpreting and enforcing the Constitution, and Bush should not surrender his responsibility to deal with the detainees to the Courts.

The BBC provides a flip-flop guide for both candidates.

According to a bunch of liberals in Britain, babies can be racist and you can tell if they say "Yuck" to ethnic foods. We must fight racism in babies!

Microwave ray gun can implant sounds and possibly messages inside your brain. Yikes!

The internet is not going to run out of IP addresses. Computer standard setters aren't stupid like Congress. Those addresses are extensible.

It's not unusual for people to think more highly of dogs than other people. Of course it's not. Dogs are like ideal people. They always forgive. They never backstab. The don't nag or criticize. They approach the unconditional love so many people crave but will never find.

Cato applauds McCain's health care plan for giving people back the choices they need to get quality health care at an affordable price.

Cato explains that E-verify for checking the legal status of prospective employers will quickly race into other aspects of life. We don't any big-government anti-privacy control mechanism to stop illegal immigrants from working in the US. Just have employers check 2 forms of ID, one picture and one birth certificate, VISA, or green card. If bartenders can check ID, so can employers.

Cato calls McCain a mixed bag. I think they're being too generous. Fighting pork barrel spending is fine, but that spending is a drop in the bucket of federal spending.

Great article comparing yellow journalism to the yellow pseudo-science of global warming. He doesn't mention how yellow journalism is feeding yellow pseudo-science.

Study shows that government schools fail to prepare future government school teachers math. Are you surprised? Government fails to educate teachers, and those teachers fail to educate students. Then those students become worse teachers in the next generation. It's a spiraling, self-destroying system, and it's destroying our society. But the solution is easy. End the government monopoly on schools and allow teacher-entrepreneurs to teach students. The best will flourish. The rest will become government employees, pretty much like they are now, but they won't be destroying our kids and our future.

Ohio continues its decent into oblivion. Cleveland area cancels 4th of July all-star little league baseball game because it rewards players who play better. We can't have that. Rewarding people for performing better than others is anti-Marxist, and Marxism is the goal of liberals. We must have every individual perform at the lowest level possible to insure everybody is "equal".

Man who knowingly swam with alligators sues Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission because alligator bit off his arm. What part of Conservation doesn't he understand? This is liberalism in action. If government kills or moves alligators, liberals attack. If government doesn't remove or kill alligators, liberals attack. Liberals always want it both ways. Personal responsibility doesn't exist for liberals. It's always somebody else's fault, and more government interference in our lives is necessary. Unless a conservative suffers. Conservatives deserve it.

Muslims claim religious aversion to sniffer dogs. Or maybe they just don't want their suicide bombs to be detected before they can set them off. If Muslims are so upset about it, maybe they should police their own communities to eliminate the radicals instead of going after the authorities. Most Muslims aren't terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. Except for Barack Obama's Weather Underground buddies, and they gave it up to become respected liberal professors.

Hot girl soldiers from Israel.

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