Saturday, November 17, 2007

Free kibbles

Boston police are asking parents of certain kids in schools to grant them permission to search their homes for guns. Those parents would be fools to allow them to search.

Opening OPEC conference, Chavez threatens that oil could go to $200 per barrel if the US attacks Iran. Ahmadinejad announced that crude oil prices are lower than their value. He's wrong. It was true when oil was below $40 a barrel, but not at $100. The value of oil is what people will pay for it, and right now natural gas, coal, and nuclear power are cheaper, so once the American people take control of energy policy from the government, we'll develop them. I just hope it's fast. When that happens, the price of oil will drop until it reaches its natural value against competing energy sources. OPEC meeting show dissension over the falling dollar between Saudi Arabia on one hand and Iran and Venezuela on the other. Duh.

The fall of the dollar is far from irreversible. When we adopt the FairTax and significantly cut federal spending, the dollar will rebound stronger than ever. When Bush and others say we should get used to the falling dollar, I'm reminded of Carter saying we should get used to high fuel and high interest rates and weaker economy. What we need to do is take back our freedom and self-determination from a titanic government that is taking us all down with it.

Iraqi police discover 30 six month old bodies in mass grave in Baghdad. These kinds of killings have been stopped by our counterinsurgency policy. Democrats want to pull US troops home so that ethnic cleansing can begin anew in Iraq.

US helps Pakistan secure it's nuclear arsenal. This is great news. This is because Musharraf is an ally. We have no reason to think Bhutto would work with the US like Musharraf has. We're repeating the same mistake in Pakistan we made in Iraq and elsewhere by pushing for full democracy before the institutions of democracy are in fully in place, like securing the lawless regions of the country. Musharraf wants to build those institutions, and he's our side. I say we let him.

UN warns that man-made global warming could lead to extinction of 1/3 of species. The only reason I link this alarmist schlock is so I can refer to it in a few years to expose just how dishonest, political, desperate, and dangerous the anthropomorphic global warming fraud is. It's a sad commentary on humanity that so many people believe this lies that have already been publicly exposed. Any green house warming from human generated CO2 is so tiny that it's immeasurable. It's a huge, dangerous fraud. NASA annual global temperature measurements. I just posted a graph showing global temperatures have been flat for about 15 years.

Bush to honor Nobel Prize winners, so Gore is going to be honored for his multi-billion dollar fraud by Bush. Like Vaclav Klaus, Bush should have called Gore out as a fraud long ago. The press is more to blame than anybody for this fraud. In a sane world, this bunch of con-men would have had to face skepticism from the press to even get printed, then they would have to face well published criticism, exposing their bad science, exaggerations, and outright lies. But the press has skewed this debate so disastrously that now half the people in America have bought into the con lock, stock and barrel, so every politician has to play up the issue.

Buenos Aires has coldest spring in 90 years. If it happened 90 years ago, it's nothing new. There is nothing going on in the climate that we haven't already seen earlier this century. It's no big deal.

BBC runs an article on the theory of solar caused climate change. It's exciting because it's so rare for a news outlet to actually entertain other possibilities besides the discredited anthropomorphic CO2 global warming fraud.

New stem cell technique makes obsolete need for human embryos in cloning. Once again, Democrats are going to be on the wrong side of history. There was never any need for the federal government to fund such divisive research.

Alan Dershowitz advocates torture in the ticking timebomb scenario, but he mistakes waterboarding for torture. Waterboarding is not torture.

It's a rotten tactic, but it's not unAmerican for some group to make cold calls attacking Romney's religion. Attacking candidates on whatever matters to the attacker is a grand tradition in America. It would be unAmerican to be able to track those calls, assuming they were made anonymously. Candidates can't just get phone records because they're candidates. Romney would be smart to take that position. Naturally McCain calls for an investigation because he sponsored the attack on free speech that passes for campaign finance reform. There should be no law against speaking out against any candidate for any reason you choose.

Foxnews criticizes CNN for their debate format. I turned off the debate because it was more like a high school pep rally - a sound bite followed by a cheer, and another sound bite followed by a boo. It was juvenile, and I think that was because of the format, not the participants. CNN fails to disclose the James Carville advises Hillary Clinton. Almost as dishonest is that 2 of their 3 panelists worked in Bill Clinton's administration. CNN passes that off as balanced analysis.

Student claims CNN censored and pre-approved every question for the debate, including a question to Hillary about whether she preferred diamonds or pearls - a question obviously meant to appeal to women on behalf of Hillary.

Dick Morris explains that CNN treated Hillary with kid gloves. I think that may hurt her in the general election more than help.

Rodriquez and Garcia break into top 10 American surnames.

Boortz highlights a report that 3 of the people Bill Clinton pardoned have donated to Hillary's campaign. I'm sure Marc and Denise Rich have ponied up in some way too.

Michael Yon tells a fabulous story of Muslims and Christians working together in Baghdad to re-open a Catholic church and invite Christian refugees back home.

Oh my goodness, this JibJab parody of Democrats is hysterical. They have a similar one for Republicans, but Republicans aren't as simplistic so it's not as effective.

Bloomberg is getting something right - he's trying to fire bad teachers. Teachers unions are unhappy.

Taliban kills boy for teaching English.

I didn't realize that Britain's hymen replacement surgeries to falsely restore virginity was paid for by taxpayers. That's nuts.

US meeting with Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood because it is a political party in Egypt. Hamas and Hezbollah are political parties too, aren't they?

Mexico only gives driver's licenses to Mexican citizens, but when we demand the same, Mexico accuses us of harassing immigrants. Their agenda is pretty obvious.

Article suggests that social networking sites will replace email. Why? I don't play on social networking sites, but I don't see how broadcasting will replace point to point communication. Maybe I'm all washed up.

Wouldn't it be nice to be so rich and famous that breaking the law didn't matter? Hayden Panettiere has warrant for her arrest in Japan for trying to save dolphins. Gosh, if I was so rich and famous I could ignore the law, I would to.

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