Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Global Warming and Energy

UN climate models subject of ridicule.
"For years, computer simulations have predicted that sea ice should be disappearing from the Poles.
Now, with the news that Antarctic sea-ice levels have hit new highs, comes yet another mishap to tarnish the credibility of climate science. 
Climatologists base their doom-laden predictions of the Earth’s climate on computer simulations.
But these have long been the subject of ridicule because of their stunning failure to predict the pause in warming – nearly 18 years long on some measures – since the turn of the last century."
They're wrong about everything.

Amazon rain forest only 2,000 years old.

Now frauds are trying to convince people CO2 - plant food - is harming plants.
"A team of U.S. scientists has discovered how carbon dioxide limits the ability of plants to deal with heat and drought. The discovery, reported in this week’s early online edition of the journal Nature, is boosting hopes that researchers may be able to engineer plants to withstand higher temperatures and lower rainfall."
This is ridiculous. Higher temperatures cause more evaporation which produces more rain. This is one of the negative feedbacks to global warming.

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