Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Global Warming and Energy

Establishment blames cold winter for worst propane shortage in 25 years, but cold winters happen. The problem was government control of propane. If we had a free market in propane, the price mechanism would have signalled entrepreneurs to change the structure of production and delivery, and the needs of consumers would quickly have been met.

Government sends an army to steal cattle and land from a rancher ostensibly to protect a tortoise.
"“[Cliven] Bundy has long falsely believed that Gold Butte is his ranch,” added Terri Robertson, president of Friends of Sloan Canyon.
The BLM designated 186,909 acres of the Gold Butte off-limits for the “critical desert tortoise” population in 1998. Bundy had already lost his grazing permit five years earlier for refusing to pay fees for the land, which his family has ranched since the 1870s."
He doesn't accept that the government stole his use of that land. And they blame the weather for beef prices. They're probably going to engineer a conflict and kill this guy like they did at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

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